Question about sniper mod idea.


First time out of the vault
I have no experience modding Fallout 1 or 2 at all, so I'm just putting this out there as an idea, both to find out if it is possible, and perhaps to inspire someone else to do it.

I'm about to replay Fallout 2, this time as a solo sniper character. Anyway as I was thinking about the character I had the following idea: wouldn't it be cool if it were possible to use more realistic sniper tactics in Fallout 2. My question is: is it possible to tie the use of the sneak skill to whatever script determines when NPCs switch from being neutral to being hostile? This is how I imagined it- you take an aimed shot at an enemy from a distance, hitting him in the leg. He goes hostile along with a bunch of other enemies. I have no idea how the game determines which ones go hostile along with him, but anyway. You then go into sneak. If your sneak attempt is successful, all of the now hostile enemies are set back to neutral. This simulates them e.g. being unable to tell where the shot is coming from. This would then enable you to exit combat mode, so that you can then move freely to another spot without the enemies charging you and forcing close quarters combat. You then sneak to another suitable spot, and take another aimed shot at the original enemy, bringing him down. You could then repeat this a few times, taking down one enemy after another, all without getting into close combat, like a true sniper.

So, is there any way via scripting to mod the game so that this a successful sneak resets hostile enemies back to not-hostile?

Of course this might make things a bit too easy for higher levell characters. It wouldn't be a good idea for a first play through. But it might be fun for subsequent attempts. It would be up to the player to what extent they wanted to roleplay using this in realistic ways. So, for example, if you wanted to be more realistic you wouldn't do it in a totally flat desert area where hiding would be unrealistic.
This could be done quite easily with a global script or even without sfall, though this would require to modify virtually every critter script (not difficult, but tedious).

However, it'd be better if you shot already in sneak mode.

Anyway, I'm pretty bad at writing global scripts so I guess someone else should do it.
Yeah, I agree that it would make more sense if you started out being in sneak mode as well. I just figured going into sneak mode after beginning combat would be easier to script since then the successful sneak attempt could be the "switch" to set the hostile NPCs back to neutral.

I think this would open up some nice strategic options. You could weaken enemies with aimed shots, and then move in for a close quarters kill. Pick them off from a distance. Whatever. I don't remember what the maximum range of the sniper rifle is. If you combined this with something that made the range of the sniper rifle long enough so that you could shoot from across the screen it would be even cooler. Although maybe the range is already that big if you have a high enough perception and skill in small guns.
This already happens on occasion; a kill made while sneaking that only takes one round doesn't always set the remaining NPCs hostile.

I don't think it works as well as it was supposed to, though, since it seems terribly inconsistent about when it does or does not count as a sneak attack.