Question: How to make proper shadows for scenery obcjects.


First time out of the vault
So heres my question:

I made several scenery obcjects for falout but its always problem for me to make proper shadow for it (I only create things through 2d edit), So following thread subjcect:

Does anyone have some tips how to make shadows for this trees:


Good question, I had some rage moments when I tried to adjust shadows for my new scenery objects aswell.. Usually, in photoshop you have the shadow effect, trying to make the lightsource so that the shadow leads to the northeast direction, playing with opacity and some diffusion does the trick. You can also move the shadow.. I am sure .Pixote. can help you more then me. ;)

Just tried it with your joshua tree (looks good btw) and I got this (yes it is a slappy shop :P ).. so it's possible in photoshop, just make a new layer for the shadow, resize it and flip it to the desired direction...


EDIT: Fail. :D NMA and it's changing backgrounds from post to post. Just copy the url into your browsers adress field and look at it there. Black shadows dont look good on black backgrounds :P
Should be better visible now... Note that the Shadows in Fallout almost always look almost 100% black, you need to play around with opacity there..


(as said, sloppy chop, visible white edges etc. but hope you get what I mean :P )
Surf Solar said:
Note that the Shadows in Fallout almost always look almost 100% black, you need to play around with opacity there..

The actual "Black" color is #0c0c0c - which is almost 95% black. If you use pure black it can sometimes behave like an alpha color, why? I don't know. If the solid shadow is too dark for your taste, try making a pattern in Photoshop and apply it to the shadow shape. The developers used that method throughout the creates a softer shadow effect.

.Pixote. said:
The actual "Black" color is #0c0c0c - which is almost 95% black. If you use pure black it can sometimes behave like an alpha color, why? I don't know.

I think they used 100% black as their transparency color, not blue as we do. For example, if you apply the Fallout palette (with blue transparency) to a RIX image, you will see the blue color fullscreen after the RIX splash image "unloads" - it doesn't look good. Editing the palette and changing the blue to black fixes the issue.
Quit trolling each other. Render the shadows separately. If you have to, just use the original image as a cookie cutter.

Blender has layers. Learn.