Question regarding Las Vegas history and its historical influence on New Vegas

Señor Wally

Mildly Dipped
Being a history buff, I recently became very curious about the history of Las Vegas and I was very surprised by how many events in LV history were reimagined with NV's apocalyptic, futuristic coat of paint. Even small smaller things like the story of Queho share striking similarities to Oscar Velasco and to a lesser extent, Allen Marks. Seeing Mr. House's body, shriveled, naked and pathetic directly calls back to Howard Hugh's condition when his body was found malnourished and naked after intense isolation in his casino suite.
I would like to know if there are developer statements regarding LV history and their inspirations. I only have what seems evident to me, but nothing super tangible. I think it would be good for new contextual readings of New Vegas' content and just interesting, in general.
I’m know that Sawyer made a road trip through Vegas and the surrounding desert, basing locations in the game off his photos/experiences. But I’ve never heard anything about the devs looking through the history of Vegas and using that as inspiration.