Questions aboult perks

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I am playing with ch4 lu5 right now and near the end(around lv21), the game is good and I think of play again with high ch & lu when I finish, I wonder if someone can help me out of thos perks? :-) thanks

About team leader and team player?
I had try more than one team player befor but never work, I think it need a team leader for the team play take effect, is it true?. so long there seem no one in the recrut pool have ch>=6 than I guess only main chr can be team leader, can he also be team player himself?

What really happen to a Divine Favor?

For the funny Way Of The Fruit, Is it always gain ST? I guess that shall be temerary?

Did some one had tried take bend the rule on lv18 and take sniper on lv21, just curious.
Leader perk hasn't been that usefull. I'm playing a guy with 6 cha so I could get it. You have to be really close to get the boost, and it doesn't work if your leader is in a vehicle.

6 cha has been nice though as npc's like you more, so for instance the ghouls forgive you for letting a few of them get killed, whereas with a 2 they don't really like you no matter what. It also affects your rank letting you get some of the recruits earlier, it doesn't seem to affect inventory available at the QM though.

Don't forget there are two ways to get one of your recruits to a 6 cha. you can give them gain cha, or mutate! gifted, but this won't affect how the npc's like you, or rank.

Team player seems to be broken...

Devine Favor is supposed to give you +1 to a random stat and lower your perk rate by 1. I haven't verified this yet though.
TO :-)-x-
What I mean is if take the " Bend The Rules LK 6, Level 16" first, which says that next perk you can take any perk of your kind. (if this perk exist)

To :-)Justisaur
That build up npc thing is really a hint, I do not know why I did not think it before, maby too busy concern they PE. but that is not good game design for the rang consider at all, consider unbalanced.

AS for the CH-Rank thing, I guess the CH only affect how good the performance you need to get promoted but not the promot itself. Like what you saying, if you let more ghoul die with high CH, you still get promoted. My CH4 chr now is a Genaral with LV 21, I think it did not sufer anything for CH regarding the rank, for I can always recrut npc have 1 or even 2 LV above my main chr. In Quency, no ghoul die, in (foget name, the big protect aganist mutant for ghoul), Three ghoul die, and I do not lute the chiest in civilan house when civilian nearby. However, the npc is not good at all, npc are ether stupit or low PE.I only have stain a long time for its big gun, till lV20, for it sams near end of game, I get a LV22 robot for fun(high envi resist but only 56 live point not much use now) and a LV19 civian MAC, who has 211 snike for scout.
At knight commander, I am recruiting 2 levels below me. So much for high charisma helping in recruiting. (The only time it helps in recruiting is after the first mission, you get around 4 more chars available.) And no, you don't get any extras in inventory for higher char or rank (at least that I have seen.) Go for high luck, it helps in crits (at least it does if it is not bugged.)