Questions about MIB88 Megamod.

Don Mikey

First time out of the vault
is this english?
works with fallout 2?
works with killap patch installed?
is it a new story or is it like killaps patch where it fixies bugs and adds things?

just to be sure this is the one im talking about.

The MIB88 megamod is currently version 2.34 and is available at the Fallout Modding Center [Website]. This latest version contains some new content, but mostly corrects errors from previous versions of this mod. Also, the worldmap in this version is larger. See also the Megamod FAQ.

You do not need previous versions of this mod to play. You only need the Megamod 2.34 download. Do not expect previously saved games to work. Please post any problems you encounter on the bug list, so that the author may correct them.

The mod contains the following:

New locations

* A Letter From The Past random encounter
* Abbey Location - Enhanced. Requires a quest to find and there are now quests to do for the monks.
* Bunker 21 and Truck Locations- Slightly enhanced i.e. requires a quest to find.
* Carson City and many smaller locations from Alternative Life mod.
* Cold Hearts and Modoc Revisited- Chris Parks and Dude101
* EPA- Chris Parks
* New Vision Final
* Primitive Tribe- Chris Parks
* Scrap heap AKA FO1 demo town.
* Vault 14
* Vault 23


* B-team mod
* Cult of Personality Fix
* Dominion mod world map I.E. expands down into FO1 territory.
* Enhanced Skynet - Body upgrades. Works Correctly now!
* Enhanced Davin Script (For Females Only!)
* Freelance slavery - Male and female slaves can sometimes be taken of some of the critters in the wasteland
* Friendly Klint 2
* FO2 Graphics Upgrade Patch (FO2GUP)Alpha
* Gila Lizard and Cockroach critters from FOXP mod (WIP)
* Gecko enclave encounter
* Kaga
* Killap's Fallout 2 patch
* Lootable Armor
* Marcus armour from Vault 14 mod
* Miria mod
* Mr Fixit
* mysterious stranger mod
* NPC Armor mod
* Seraph's Fallout 2 Mod
* Vertibird mod
* Wasteland Taxi
* Added a number of new load screens from various mods and Fallout 1
* components of the Alternative Life mod, translated by Team MIB.

The mod is avialable in both Eng and Rus, if you can help support future releases contact Dude101 on NMA, or at tomsspam101 (at) yahoo dott com

As of 08 June, 2008, a Megamod Guide is in progress.
Don Mikey said:
is this english?
works with fallout 2?
works with killap patch installed?
is it a new story or is it like killaps patch where it fixies bugs and adds things?
English, for fallout2. Old killap patch included with the mod.
Some things were changed, some added. All changes described in the megamod walkthrough.
Anyway, I suggest playing Restoration project version 1.3 first (should be released pretty soon) and then waiting for the next megamod release as version 2.34 has really many bugs.
Well many bugs are exploits and many bugs don't happen to me. Like the one putting the stone in your active slot, which i've done many times. But I agree, it needs to be fixed!