RE: One word: Pornography. (nt)
Actually, I agree with Fgly John here.
*******Psychoanalysis Alert***********
Your brain works by attaching pleasure and pain to every action you take. That determines how much motivation you have for doing everything. You are smoking, bec. it relax you, keeps you from that beer gut, have a break, to fit in, to rebel, and maybe it also gives you a rush that is addictive. It could be any of these things that your brain has attached to the action "smoking" to justify you doing it.
In order for you to quit, you need to attach some negative emotion, experience, and pain to it for you to make it stop. You can't quit unless you really want to. You have to make that serious decision to quit, like "this is it! No more!!".
first, write down logical 12345 reasons why you should quit(it's bad for you isn't going to do it, be exact and specific),
second, write down all the good things that will happen if you do quit(again be specific),
third, memorise them throughly,
fourth, write down a plan of action on how you are going to quit,
#5, attach strong negative emotion and experience to this specific behavior, for examble: what Ugly John said - Go out and spend some big cash on some really expensive and strong cigars(hurts your wallet, strike one), then smoke them in front of someone who doesn't like smoking(people hate you, strike two), and smoke them reallllllllly Fast, so you'll get reallllly sick (extreme physical discomfort, strike three, you are out).
************End Psychobabble************
Give that a shot, and Good luck!
(BTW, U John, is she a employee, boss, or coll.?)
Starseeker, signing off.
"The final price of freedom, is the willingness to face the most frightening being of all, one's own self."