R.U.S.H Characters


You can add your own character here i will make some characters then i will post full story.

Details about the story:The action takes part in year 2212 all over america, 3 protagonist.


Billed Name:The Gambler
Real Name:Jimmy The Gambler
Body Type:Slim
Face:Square brown eyes brown medium hair.
Height:5'9''(1,75 cm)
Weight:156 Lbs
He was an expert gambler he was spending his time in gambling bars,bets.Good buissnis 'till some mercenaries robbed him all of his caps,now he wants revenge.
Strength 5
Weapons & Items
Colt .45
2560x caps
Brass Knuckles
Combat Knife
Bend The Rules
Bluff Master
Bonus HTH attacks
Small Frame
Small Weapons


Billed Name:Collosus
Real Name:Kane The Breaker
Height:8'2'' ft tall(2,46 m tall)
Weight:600 Pounds(272 Kilos)
Body Type:Muscular,Well Built(Not fat)
Face:Masked,long hair.
He was growing super fast now hes over sized he was the super heavyweight champion at the hub and the greatest. he benchpressed 2000 lbs a weight of a over sized mutant.Later his career was ruined by a manager who fired him because he saw how he killed the general manager that was a lie because he killed that GM.Now hes looking to revenge.
Weapons & Items
Heave HO!
HtH Evade
Adrenaline Rush
Heavy Handed
Bloody Mess


Height:6'2''(188 cm tall)
Weight:211 lbs(97 kilos)
Body Type:Muscular
Face:Brown Eyes,Medium Brown hair.
He was a bounty hunter over all America searching for caps contract kills.He killed over 50 people for caps and he made a serious treasury,over 100,000 caps but later he was robbed by a mob clan now he wants revenge.
Weapons & items
1x Tommy Gun
1x Rocket Launcher
1x .357 Magnum Revolver
1x Anti Materiel Rifle
12x Frag Grenades
1x Chopper
1x Machete
1x Minigun
Bloody Mess
Bonus Hth damage

1# Antagonist

Billed Name:The Brain
Height:6'2''(1,87 cm)
Weight:72 kilos
Body Type:Slim
Face:Medium Hair dark,Blue eye
Age:25 yrs old
He s the gang leader of the Riders the one who stoled Marv's Caps hes the antagonist for marv.He was a born leader he have a big territory in wasteland his clan has over 200 gangsters.He can cheat death he did this like 3 times.
Strength 5
Perception 7
Endurance 5
Charisma 10
Intelligence 7
Agillity 7
Luck 9
Weapon & Items
1x Chinese Assault Rifle
13000x Caps

#2 Antagonist

Name:Frank The Hunter
Height:6 ft tall(1,82 cm tall)
Weight:69 kilos
Body type:Normal
Face:Mustache,beard,green eyes,crew cut.
Age:39 Yrs old
He was a born hunter he was a mercenary the one who stoled jimmy's all caps.He only gets in his job by paying him 2500-4500 Caps,and he do his job very well.
Strength 8
Perception 7
Endurance 8
Charisma 5
Intelligence 6
Agillity 7
Luck 5

3# Antagonist

Name:Scott Evan
Height:5'10'' Ft tall(178 cm)
Weight:80 kilos
Body Type:Normal
Face:Brown Eyes,medium hair.
Age:30 Yrs old
He is manager,he managed alot of fighters at the hub and many places trained them,he also trained that collosus to fight he made well over 55000 caps weekly with him but some day he killed the General Manager for caps and give the fault on collosus.Now still today he's training and managing just pay him 1000 caps and will train you well.
Strength 5
Perception 6
Endurance 5
Charisma 11
Intelligence 7
Agillity 5
Luck 8

#4 Antagonist

Billed Name:The Giant
Real Name:Manute
Height:8 ft tall(2,40 m tall)
Weight:661 Pounds
aGE:56 yrs old
Face:Fully Masked,brown eyes
Another giant like collosus but heavyweightin' 661 pounds with pure muscles everyone in wasteland confused him to be a super mutant but hes a human .Later he was hired by the brain to kill Marv.
Strength 13
Perception 6
Endurance 12
Charisma 3
Intelligence 5
Agillity 5
Luck 7

Thats not all il add some characters il think post your character and il introduce in my story.
Real Name:Unknown
Name:The GodFather
Occupation:The Leader of Athletes Gang
Height:6 ft
Weight:70 kilos
Body Type Unknown
Age:Unknown;70 yrs old?

History:The godfather is the leader of the athletes clan his name is unknown no one saw him but he have a base where all the members of athletes clan are training.




Name:Tom Bruise
Occupation:Lieutant of the gang athletes
Height:6'8(207 cm)
Weight:137 kg
Hair:Golden straight
Body Type:Muscular
Face:Brown eyes,small nose.Mustache,beard
Age:35 yrs old

He was born at an unknown vault he was the biggest in the vault then he wanted to get out so he broke the door then he got out,the door was made of iron steel and he broke it with power and destroyed the systems of the door.Then he meet a super mutant who tried to attack him,no chance the super mutant was destroyed by his power.Later he meet The Godfather and was taken to his base and gained respect by killing with bare hands some targets.Now he's the most respected lieutant in The Godfather's Bunker.


Brass Knuckles
Gatling Minigun

Occupation:Sergeant of athletes
Height:6'1(185 cm)
Weight:67 kilos
Body Type:Slim
Face:Green eyes,medium nose
Age:30 yrs old

Mark was a wanderer of a ruined city of Illinois he searched food and made a shelter where he lived 10 years.Then he met The Godfather and helped him.After many missions he was made a sergeant.


10x Tomahawks
1x Chinese Assault Rifle
1x Machete


Occupation:Member of athletes
Height:6 ft
Weight:87 kilos
Body type:Normal
Hair:Medium brown
Face:Brown eyes,Mustache
Age:24 yrs old

Ray was a soldier of enclave,when enclave fall,he get to California for a new job and was denied because he was enclave then he met The GodFather who helped him to kill some people of NCR.Now he has a great job by killing target and get payed 5000 Caps per target and a shelter.


Laser Rifle
Sniper Rifle
Enclave Armor


Occupation:Member/Conqueror of athletes
Height:6'1(186 cm)
Weight:96 kilos
Face:Brown Eyes.Mustache
Skin:Arabian style skin
Body type:Well Built
Age:40 yrs old

Farooq(spelled Farouk or Faruk) originated from Arab Emirates or Arabia Saudi,then his familly moved America where the nuclear carnage began.His familly was killled by a group of mercenaries he wanted revenge,then he found The Godfather and helped him with revenge then he entered in.Hes conqueror of athletes who conqueres regions and campaigns so now he is a big name in the gang.


M60 gun
Sniper Rifle
Conqueror Minigun(Modified version of minigun
Sultan's Sword

Ill add more

Gang name:Athletes
Leader:The Godfather
size:100 members
Capital:The Godfather's bunker
Gang's Fund:500,000,000 Caps
Main Armors:Modified Enclave Armor

Leader-The GodFather

Athletes clan was founded in year 2200 by the godfather and Tom Bruise,later the size of this clan was growing very fast they started to spread regions they gang and began of manufacturing good armaments and starting evolving in technology.The first vehicle was a tank found in a abandoned millitary base and starting modifieing it.


Name: HM20 Tank
Armament:10x Mounted Gatling Guns,1x tank gun,2x Rocket Launchers
Speed:45 km/h
Number Built/taken:12

Desc:Slow but dangerous athletes build those tanks very hard for destroying super mutants and other creatures


Width:1,98 m
Length:5 m
Armament:2x mounted miniguns
Speed:120 Km/h
Number Built/Taken:45

Desc:This is an fast APC modified car with junks cheapest vehicle to transport


Armament:2x Mounted Rocket Launchers,1x Mounted Conqueror's Minigun
Speed:140 km/h
Number Built/Taken:5

Desc:This chopper is the fastest vehicle this is the modified version of the pre-war helicopter but bigger.
I ve been off along time,il continue the story.Now i finished with characters momentaly,now il write the story.

Story 1
Desc:About The Gambler and the Squad in the mission to find and kill Frank The Hunter.

Somewhere in Wisconsin...The Gambler wons again says the Announcer.
An Angry Guy:-AGAIN?!
The Gambler:You can't beat me at gambling lossers..
And an big bald headed guy comes to give him a punch,but fast the gambler pulls out his colt .45 and the bald guy stays with the hands in the air.The Gambler gets out slow from the casino with the gun in hands.
And once he got out from casino all the angry people are running to catch him but he fast closes the door and runs in the ruined city.
He hides in a trash,and all the people are running in the other building.
The Gambler:Huhh...What a bunch of idiots.
The Gambler:What the....???
An Unknown man(The Hunter) hits him with punch letting him dizzy and falling at the ground.

After Many hours.

Jimmy wakes up and sees hes in a rusty jail with some mice eating a pre war chesse.
The Guard Man:Hehehe you waked up?Look guys he waked up hahahaha.Time for your execution stupid idiot.
The Gambler:Sure?stupid and idiot is same,you losser.
The Guard Man:Shut up or you will be swiss chesse.
The Gambler:Where i am?
The Guard Man:Hahahahaha,your in the jail of Mince City,you have to prepare for your execution.
The Gambler:Great,how it will be?
The Guard Man:Well,you will be burned with the cigarette,after this you will be threw in hot water,then you will burn in the fire endless till you get roasted.And if your body have luck you will be hanged up in the middle of the city.
The Gambler:Your sadist man,you couldn't chosse hanging or shooting executions.What i did to deserve this?
The Guard Man:You've been acused that you killed 4 peoples of our city and that you stole all the money from a casino.
The Gambler:I never did that.I just got ran from a bunch of angry mob,but i never ever killed a man.
The Guard Man:You were found sleeping next to your victims,with your caps.
The Gambler:I got hit by a man and sleep,he probably killed them.
The Guard Man:Sure you didn't,i don't know if you will resist the first phase(The Cigarette torture) because your to slim,but i hope you will so we have another puppet in the Market Place,hahahahahahahahaha.

And the guardian leaves the prison.The gamblers tries to find a way to escape the jail,he first tought at the fake key thing but the jail was clean.But the next time he saw a dog holding some metal sticks at neck,a necklace.He tried to call him with ''doggy doggy'' it didn't worked.He tried many times but the dog was tired,he was a old German Sheep dog.3rd Attempt he found that the jail had a window,he pulled the bed so he can reach at the window with iron bars.He was to short even with the bed,where the bed boost his height by 50 centimeters.He needed to be 15 centimeters more to reach the window.So he jumped.He wanted to see whats outside the cell.It was the perifery of Mince City,no one where there to give him help.Even if Mince City population was about 4500,there were nobody.He pulled the bed back,and stayed in bed.After 3 hours,the guardians takes him to the middle of city to be executed.When they get here,The Gambler saw a big mob almost all the persons of the city.

The First Judge:The Gambler Jimmy,you have been acused by killing 4 peoples and stole money from them.We chosse the 3 stages of hell execution for you!

The Second Judge:The First Phase,you will be burned with 100 cigarettes.The Second Phase you will be putted in a hot water tub.The Third Phase you will be burnt.That's all!

The Third Judge:If you will die the first or second phase the executions will still continue.The God shall be with you!

The Executioners are preparing their cigarttes to burn him.The first 20 cigarettes were painfully he almost got dizzy,when he got at 50 he almost was dead.But fast the alarm of the city was on,because the city got raided by raiders everyone run to their shelters,even the executioners.The gambler was laying down ,almost dead.

A Raider:Hey Boss !look at this guy,he's fucked up,shall we take him with us?
Raider Boss:We will,cmon guys lets go take him with us,we have enough space in the Hummer.
Raider Sergeant:Ok!we got all the prey lets store it in the Humvee,GO!!Move it move it.

After 6 hours(Middle Of Day)

The Gambler wakes up in a huge tent.He gets out of the tent,he sees a big outpost made of tents.With walls made of cars and junks.

A Raider:Haha,you waked up?i tought your dead
The Gambler:Where i am?
A Raider:your in Vince's HellsTow.
The Gambler:A tow?
A Raider:Yes,this is a small part of town,1000 peoples are in this town,made by junk houses rusty,tents and walls made by junk,rusty cars, and metal scraps.
The Gambler:I got saved,yeah!
A Raider:Yes,we got war with those smooth brainers over 12 years.By the way,you can call me Vince.
The Gambler:I am the famous Jimm The Gambler.
Vince:Ok,i bet you were executed because you have cigarttes.
The Gmalber:I didn't did anything i was hiding from gealouss lossers then got hit by a crew cutted,bearded man.
Vince:Green Eyes?
The Gambler:Yes.
Vince:I know the motherf*Cker,it's Frankie the Hunter,a betrayer he betrayed us for money by NCR.
The Gambler:Why me?
Vince:No one knows why he steals money,maybe a NCR ranger hated you so he commanded him to kill you.Il help you to get your revenge,i have 5 peoples at disposition.
The Gambler:Sure.

They are going to the members of the squad,and The Gambler sees many pancards with a old skinny man on them.

The Gambler:Who's is him?
Vince:He's our city leader,Richie The People's Power his real name is Dick Richard.He commanded another city but destroyed by NCR lossers,then he made another one.This city is over 30 years built we reached 1000 citizens last year.By birth or stealing prisoners.We rebuilded the old society also called pre war society thanks to him,but we need more cars for this city.Junktown the pride of People's Power Richard.

They met the squad

Vince:He's The Gambler,he wants revenge on Frank The Hunter.
A Raider:Sure.I am Rambo the sergeant of squad.I put as*holes in bodybags.
Ryu:I am Ryu,i am a f*Cking ninja.
Norfolsk:I am Norfolsk,and i m perfect with the big guns.
Radu:I am Radu,i am a mercenary.I am good at driving the Humvee.
The Gambler:Cool,who knows where is the idiot?
Vince:In Cheyeene,we will get here with hummer in 4 days.
Rambo:We need guns il prepare them,lets go in my junk home.

All of them gets in Rambo's Junk Home and sees a huge arsenal.

The Gambler:How you got it?
Rambo:KIlling,stealing whatever you can do in the Wasteland.
Vince:Ok.5 machine guns for me and gun,minigun rocket launcher for Norfolsk.5 machine guns and 12 grenades for Rambo.2 Longblades for Ryu.2 berret guns for Radu.And 1 Shotgun for Gambler.
Vince:Let's go,we will leave the city at night,after 4 hours.Oh dont forgot about armours il give you West Brotherhood Power Armors.Don't forget that Cheyeene was calculator's base 50 years ago,it might be deadly that place.

The trained,eated and prepared for the journey.
After 4 hours they all were ready for fight.

Vince:Get in the humvee,Radu will drive,Ryu will watch over the wasteland if a super mutant,rad scorpion or a retarded radroach will come.Norfolsk and Rambo will be handling the minigun from the top of the car to shoot creatures.Me and Gambler will be preparing plans and will be shooting if theres a creature.

They leaved the city.Radu was driving the car about 200 mph/hour,on the rocky desert.They might get at cheyeene in 4-5 hours.After 3 hours the almost got here.Soon Ryu sees something in the night.Giant bodies(Mutants) were in their highway.

Ryu:I see super mutants,fast,get on the gun.Shoot them.

Rambo and Norfolsk prepares minigun and shoots he giant mutants,Vince and Gambler to,they kills 2 from 4.

Radu:Huh,that's was close.
The gambler:So,how cheyeene mountain is deadly when Frank is there?
Vince:NCR invaded the place fast for metal scraps from Humanoid robots,artifacts.Over 200 NCR troopers are here we have to be carefully.
The Gambler:The story of cheyeene?
Vince:From a survivor of the W. Brotherhood-Robot war,he got to vault 0 with the Warrior the one who saved the lands by killing the evil calculator.By breaking the vault's door with nuclear carrier.That man saved us and our lands.But now NCR profited and makes guns from them.But now after 50 years West Brotherhood is dead,bankrupt the generals and paladins were killed by traitors.Or Enclave Remnats.
The Gambler:Wow,the Warrior was a great man.Have any plan?and any idea where frank is hiding?
Vince:in Vault 0 working with NCR troopers.The Vault's door is guarded by 54 NCRs.Inside the vault are 150 NCRs.We dont have to kill them all ,we have to sneak.

05:30 Cheyene Mountain.

Radu:We got here,look,10 NCRs,guys you better prepare your minigun and machine guns.

Radu enters with the humvee in the NCR guards,Norfolsk is recharging the minigun of the Hummer,Rambo shoots with it in the mob,Ryu tells where are the enemies,and The Gambler,Vince shoots the NCRs with their guns by windows.
Till they get the gate.

NCRs shoots to.A NCR officer alerts the inside NCRs preparing from a ravaging invasion by 6 men.

They gets out from the hummer and approaches Elevator,the old rusty elevator.They got down,they see 30 NCRs with machine guns,grenades.
Rambo and Norfolsk prepares their miniguns to shoot them,to cover the others.They're deadly,shooting 12 NCRs killing them destroying everything with their guns.Ryu chops of the heads of 8 NCRs making blood everywhere.The Gambler and Vince Running and Shooting making 10 victims combined.Aftermath the down place is ruined blood everywhere,bullets.They have to get to the other elevator to get in the Calculator's Lair.They are aproaching the other door but fast a dying NCR shoots Ryu in neck.

Vince:Wtf?No motherf*cker!!!NO.
Vince shoots the dying NCR.

Vince:A member of my team died no...IL KILL THE F*cKERS.
The Gambler:Calm down we have to get elevator.

They get to the Acid room there are other 45 NCRs,like in the other massacre.Norfolsk & Rambo are charging their deadly machine guns,Radu gets to door to open it,and Vince & Jimm killing NCRs.Same massacre,more victims.Vince killed all of them because of anger.Finnaly gets to elevator where there are 10 guards,another massacre.They got the elevator getting to surface's Tower,where they greet 115 NCRs and Frank the Hunter.The battle just begin.Norfolsk kills 24 NCRs and gets hurt.Rambo consumed all of his machine guns making 31 NCRs victims but then he got at a dead way when he was running by 20 NCRs,then he suicide himself thorwing all of his napalm grenades left and killing the NCR stalkers.Radu kills 12 NCRs and gets killed by Frank the Hunter with his scope.Vince and Jimm kills the remaining soldiers.

The Gambler:Easy,you will regret Frank for killing Radu and Rambo.
Frank The Hunter:HAHAHAHAHAHAHA they paid me well to defend this base,il defend now from you two.They will pay me alot,thanks for the bonus lossers.HAHAHAHAHAHA.Now...

Frank targetts The Gambler and shoots him in the knee because he ran.Vince runs toward of Frank The Hunter with Ryu's blade and with a molotov grenade.

Frank the hunter shoots Vince in heart,but Vince still lived and reach Frank's leg and stabbed him with the blade,activating the Giant molotov grenade.

The Gambler:NO!!!
Vince:If il activate il burn all the tower,GO take Norfolsk!!!
Frank The Hunter:NOOOO
Norfolsk limping takes Jimm The Gambler with him back at the elevator getting down in 15 seconds.Where Vince detoned the bomb at the last of the last seconds.
Norfolsk gets the other elevator with The Gambler.Norfolsk sees the fire that the fire reached the acid room.And the underbase will be burnt.They get to elevator and gets to surface.After they got to surface,they heard a big boom.

Norfolsk puts the Gambler in car.Turning on the cars and leaving the massacre.
Aftermath,they hard got to their city,almost dead.

They greets the City's Mayor(Dick Richard)
Mayor:You finished your work?
Norfolsk:We are dead than alive,I lost all of my squad.We destroyed their base.Making ruins.Thanks to deceased Rambo,Vince,Ryu and Radu.And thanks to us.
Mayor:Good now our power will be higher.
The Gambler:What about us?
Mayor:Who cares about you? hahahahahaha just kidding.You will get a land to build in my city.Norfolsk,your a good soldier i will give you Vince's HellsTow and promoting you to General.I forgot,il give you both 500.000 caps.
The Gambler:Finnaly i got my richness back,the battle...Worth.


Jimmy The Gambler built an arena making the famous fighting with hands place in the town being rich.He never gambled again in Mince Town...

Norfolsk made a famous store in Russian Town(renamed sector from Vince's Hellstow) with misc. and weapons making it famous.He also honored his dead comrades making Medium sized Statues with them.He got rich to...


This was the first story 2 more.
celebrating 2 years

Pffft...What a rip off ...2 yrs since i created it

I was going to make 2 more stories but no im to busy,

I say what a rip off because i didn't finished the other stories,but i have one 50% completed.

If i am gonna make it im gonna post an RP about the Evolution of Post-war society...
Nah,i am thinking of using FOT and make RP videos,RP are made mainly by me,putting Every1 character on the map as human so i can control them and add dialogs down,so i won't waste my time writing.Tough that writing is a great idea.