First of all sorry my English, I know that I’m the best at making sentences…
Well Stevie D you know very well what I meant and I’m not so sure if that really works/exists. That sounds like an experimentation drug and I even doubt the veracity of your sources because not even the professor knew about that… There are experimental drugs to destroy cancerous cellules but the problem is that they destroy ALL cellules. The trick is on the dosage because the cancerous cells go first, but as I said they are only experimental.
The topics were far away from fallout (real fallout…), atomic radiation or atomic war and afterwards but I picked up some interesting information even so.
What were mostly talked about were small/low wavelengths radiation and their interactions with DNA strains. I will try to resume and use a common language rather than a technical language and exhaustive technical info so that everybody can understand it and people don’t get bored.
As you know we get older due to the interactions from the free radicals with our strains of DNA (they always exist in you, even if you never caught the supposed harmless radiation. But there are scientists that theorize that they can be partially fought with what you eat… I’m not an expert in that and it even wasn’t be approved by the majority of the science community so if you want to know more I can’t help, sorry…). They collide with DNA and sometimes remove one piece of information here, other piece there, but always small pieces of information (compared to fallout radiation). That makes the cellule to modify its structure in a negative way (mutations can be good, we are where we are due to mutations), as bits of information was lost. In the beginning of our life that cellule is easily removed with the help of lymphocytes or by auto-destruction, but as time passes more and more cellules are modified that way which increases the change of the survival of mutated cellules (there are just too many and the our natural control isn’t perfect, it’s though but that the way things are…). Those that survive start making copies of themselves transmitting the error to their clones. But even their clones aren’t free from the free radicals and DNA destruction. This happens since the day you were born in every cellule (except brain) and always in an ascending rate. After all only your brain and some parts of your heart are original, everything else in your body has from 3 days to 10 years, as the cellules are always renovating themselves. So as you can see mutations occur every day in our system, but they are small and grow at a stable progressively rate enough to don’t harm us directly (or according to what we consider harm…). Mutations derived from radiation are different. They abruptly transform in a completely strange and destructive collective of cellules (it isn’t one but always a small or greater area) that start to clone themselves and spread the damage before our lymphocytes or even other cellules can do anything to prevent it.
I was playing poker for fun with my colleagues at lunch and was with a roll so I got distracted and arrived a little late, but right on time for the most important stuff.
The most important question that was analysed in the seminar was how much energy was needed to produce single and double strand breaks (SSB & DSB) by ionizing radiations. Most of the scientists say the minimum energy to produce any kind of break is more or less 20 eV (energy in Volts). Below that value they think to be impossible to exist harmful radiation.
With a 300 eV incidence in DNA there are +- 2% chances of a SSB happening and +- 0,7% change of a DSB happening.
We know that even soft X-Rays are deadly but also know that UV (that has a much lesser wave length) can be quite harmful, provoking skin cancer and sight degeneration also, and that’s the first hint to low wavelengths radiation damage.
Then the professor talked about how we could test different effect with bacterial DNA, the way to get it and the procedures to accomplish it. He talked about the different resultant effects of radiation in a supercoiled DNA strain (un-damaged DNA) and how to find if DNA was damaged. Pure technical… And we finally got to the scary part...
According to Bonduffa et al., and like demonstrated, due to a particularity of the electrons below 15 eV they can attach to molecules and form a “resonance” and even below 5 eV there could be strong harmful effects. I wasn’t able to retrieve the name given to the particularity, sorry. Then the professor entered on technical details of Physics and Organic Chemistry on how that occurred.
In radiation tests scientists prefer to work with molecules in the form of gas, but that lead to error regarding effects of radiation on humans because our cellules are surrounded by water and displayed in layers, not floating alone in the air. And that’s where resides the biggest problem, the unknown. Some scientists are trying to study the effects with human body conditions and what they found so far is that with low wavelengths radiation the biggest problem is actually in the water. The waves not only can directly affect the cellule but they can ionize the water that could become a positive ion (kind like heavy water but backwards, instead one more proton water gets one less) releasing electrons that will interfere with the cellule causing the problems studied by Bonduffa.
We are still at the surface of the problem but UK and other countries like USA and Japan are working on it.
Anyway, more and more scientists are unanimous and accept that even very small radiation could have very harmful effects, take for instance your mobile. The biggest problem is that it could take decades before the mutation occurs (due to the environment where our cellules are), so scientists are unable to study the problem to its full extension. But one thing is certain, there is high probability that exposure to even low wavelengths can be harmful.
Ancient Olding, asking questions in the pursuit of knowledge is never a stupid thing to due and no one knows everything. Einstein was a genius but only in his areas of study/research…
It has already been proved that exposure to large amounts of radiation cause abnormalities and mutations. You could get cancer or even get your organs liquefied…
We transfer genetic sequence to our offspring through sexual cellules that contain a string of DNA. The result (the offspring) is obtained by the mix of two different sexual cellules with factors that contributes to diversity like crossing-over and mutations. But none the less only the information carried in those sexual cellules are carried on. So if you get a cancer due to radiation in your lungs (specific area), for instance, it’s very improbably that your offspring will born with a lungs cancer and the rest completely normal.
In Japan (and Chernobyl residents too) we saw many children of the survivors of the Atomic Bombs being born with abnormalities due to the damage being done to the individual as an all or to the sexual cellules.
Kotario, the mechanics of cellular internal repair are quite the same trough all the body (and also external, like lymphocytes), what changes is how cellules are affected by the same radiation. There are many different cellules, cellules that differ in their shape, in the length of their membrane and even in the density of their plasma. That is going to change the way that the same wave affects the DNA, but one thing is sure, after affecting the DNA the repair process is completely disabled. As the professor said, the date is still being collected (notice that low wavelength radiation was only considered a potential danger three years ago) and there is no know way to protect radiation at a chemistry level or linear practical applications. But work and progress are being made in that direction.
JJ86 there is potential damage even once you are not subject to more rays. The problem as said is the environment our cellules have, and the threat is quite the same, lingering radiation also has the potential to do the same damage (in relation to low wavelengths because with long wavelengths if you don’t die the effects are shown quickly) so drop your mobile if you don’t want the possibility to in 20 years have your brain fried. If you want to play safe find out the frequency in Hz and wavelength in metros and multiply them. You will get the energy produced in joule per electron. Next just convert joules to Volts and if it’s greater than 15 be warned…
If you have any more doubts please ask me and remember, I’m not an expert nor know everything, but I will try to clarify as best I can. And remember, my English is not perfect and I might make mistakes due to my problem of communication or logical sequence of sentences, so if you spot any just tell it please. Thanks
Well Stevie D you know very well what I meant and I’m not so sure if that really works/exists. That sounds like an experimentation drug and I even doubt the veracity of your sources because not even the professor knew about that… There are experimental drugs to destroy cancerous cellules but the problem is that they destroy ALL cellules. The trick is on the dosage because the cancerous cells go first, but as I said they are only experimental.
The topics were far away from fallout (real fallout…), atomic radiation or atomic war and afterwards but I picked up some interesting information even so.
What were mostly talked about were small/low wavelengths radiation and their interactions with DNA strains. I will try to resume and use a common language rather than a technical language and exhaustive technical info so that everybody can understand it and people don’t get bored.
As you know we get older due to the interactions from the free radicals with our strains of DNA (they always exist in you, even if you never caught the supposed harmless radiation. But there are scientists that theorize that they can be partially fought with what you eat… I’m not an expert in that and it even wasn’t be approved by the majority of the science community so if you want to know more I can’t help, sorry…). They collide with DNA and sometimes remove one piece of information here, other piece there, but always small pieces of information (compared to fallout radiation). That makes the cellule to modify its structure in a negative way (mutations can be good, we are where we are due to mutations), as bits of information was lost. In the beginning of our life that cellule is easily removed with the help of lymphocytes or by auto-destruction, but as time passes more and more cellules are modified that way which increases the change of the survival of mutated cellules (there are just too many and the our natural control isn’t perfect, it’s though but that the way things are…). Those that survive start making copies of themselves transmitting the error to their clones. But even their clones aren’t free from the free radicals and DNA destruction. This happens since the day you were born in every cellule (except brain) and always in an ascending rate. After all only your brain and some parts of your heart are original, everything else in your body has from 3 days to 10 years, as the cellules are always renovating themselves. So as you can see mutations occur every day in our system, but they are small and grow at a stable progressively rate enough to don’t harm us directly (or according to what we consider harm…). Mutations derived from radiation are different. They abruptly transform in a completely strange and destructive collective of cellules (it isn’t one but always a small or greater area) that start to clone themselves and spread the damage before our lymphocytes or even other cellules can do anything to prevent it.
I was playing poker for fun with my colleagues at lunch and was with a roll so I got distracted and arrived a little late, but right on time for the most important stuff.
The most important question that was analysed in the seminar was how much energy was needed to produce single and double strand breaks (SSB & DSB) by ionizing radiations. Most of the scientists say the minimum energy to produce any kind of break is more or less 20 eV (energy in Volts). Below that value they think to be impossible to exist harmful radiation.
With a 300 eV incidence in DNA there are +- 2% chances of a SSB happening and +- 0,7% change of a DSB happening.
We know that even soft X-Rays are deadly but also know that UV (that has a much lesser wave length) can be quite harmful, provoking skin cancer and sight degeneration also, and that’s the first hint to low wavelengths radiation damage.
Then the professor talked about how we could test different effect with bacterial DNA, the way to get it and the procedures to accomplish it. He talked about the different resultant effects of radiation in a supercoiled DNA strain (un-damaged DNA) and how to find if DNA was damaged. Pure technical… And we finally got to the scary part...
According to Bonduffa et al., and like demonstrated, due to a particularity of the electrons below 15 eV they can attach to molecules and form a “resonance” and even below 5 eV there could be strong harmful effects. I wasn’t able to retrieve the name given to the particularity, sorry. Then the professor entered on technical details of Physics and Organic Chemistry on how that occurred.
In radiation tests scientists prefer to work with molecules in the form of gas, but that lead to error regarding effects of radiation on humans because our cellules are surrounded by water and displayed in layers, not floating alone in the air. And that’s where resides the biggest problem, the unknown. Some scientists are trying to study the effects with human body conditions and what they found so far is that with low wavelengths radiation the biggest problem is actually in the water. The waves not only can directly affect the cellule but they can ionize the water that could become a positive ion (kind like heavy water but backwards, instead one more proton water gets one less) releasing electrons that will interfere with the cellule causing the problems studied by Bonduffa.
We are still at the surface of the problem but UK and other countries like USA and Japan are working on it.
Anyway, more and more scientists are unanimous and accept that even very small radiation could have very harmful effects, take for instance your mobile. The biggest problem is that it could take decades before the mutation occurs (due to the environment where our cellules are), so scientists are unable to study the problem to its full extension. But one thing is certain, there is high probability that exposure to even low wavelengths can be harmful.
Ancient Olding, asking questions in the pursuit of knowledge is never a stupid thing to due and no one knows everything. Einstein was a genius but only in his areas of study/research…
It has already been proved that exposure to large amounts of radiation cause abnormalities and mutations. You could get cancer or even get your organs liquefied…
We transfer genetic sequence to our offspring through sexual cellules that contain a string of DNA. The result (the offspring) is obtained by the mix of two different sexual cellules with factors that contributes to diversity like crossing-over and mutations. But none the less only the information carried in those sexual cellules are carried on. So if you get a cancer due to radiation in your lungs (specific area), for instance, it’s very improbably that your offspring will born with a lungs cancer and the rest completely normal.
In Japan (and Chernobyl residents too) we saw many children of the survivors of the Atomic Bombs being born with abnormalities due to the damage being done to the individual as an all or to the sexual cellules.
Kotario, the mechanics of cellular internal repair are quite the same trough all the body (and also external, like lymphocytes), what changes is how cellules are affected by the same radiation. There are many different cellules, cellules that differ in their shape, in the length of their membrane and even in the density of their plasma. That is going to change the way that the same wave affects the DNA, but one thing is sure, after affecting the DNA the repair process is completely disabled. As the professor said, the date is still being collected (notice that low wavelength radiation was only considered a potential danger three years ago) and there is no know way to protect radiation at a chemistry level or linear practical applications. But work and progress are being made in that direction.
JJ86 there is potential damage even once you are not subject to more rays. The problem as said is the environment our cellules have, and the threat is quite the same, lingering radiation also has the potential to do the same damage (in relation to low wavelengths because with long wavelengths if you don’t die the effects are shown quickly) so drop your mobile if you don’t want the possibility to in 20 years have your brain fried. If you want to play safe find out the frequency in Hz and wavelength in metros and multiply them. You will get the energy produced in joule per electron. Next just convert joules to Volts and if it’s greater than 15 be warned…
If you have any more doubts please ask me and remember, I’m not an expert nor know everything, but I will try to clarify as best I can. And remember, my English is not perfect and I might make mistakes due to my problem of communication or logical sequence of sentences, so if you spot any just tell it please. Thanks