Radio-active symbols

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Mad Max beyond Junk City

First time out of the vault
Whats all the cool lil radio-active symbols about?

and how do i get me some?

at first i thought it might have something to do with how long youve been registered here, but then i started to compare dates, and nope
then i thought it might be how many posts youve made, and after comparing, nope

dang-it, i wanna be a 5 symbol general!

now people, enlighten me :x
First of all its radioactive not radio-active, and second;


You don't get any before you pump up your postcount. You should have PM'ed and admin or mod about it.
Mad Max beyond Junk City said:
then i thought it might be how many posts youve made, and after comparing, nope

It is based on the number of posts you've made. Don't spam and try to raise it though, or you'll probably end up with one of Rosh's "special" titles.
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