After years of mutants inactivity I finally decided to play again to Fallout 2 which a bug prevented me to finish a long time ago. I installed it a week ago with Killap patch (extremely good surprised to see that fans were keen to the point of debugging the remaining faults in Fallout) but a huge problem happened to me in the Den. The radio is missing in all my savegames (I save a lot) and impossible to find it after it disappeared from my inventory. I know it must be a child who stole it from me but none of them have it (I check any single child), neither the two salesmen (Flick and the other guy). I even tryed to visit them days after, to kill them, ... no radio in their inventory !! How can I have this radio back ?? Does someone know about this bug ?? I need the radio to give to Vic and I really want to do the game properly with all the XP's etc... Any kind of help would be hugely appreciated... Don't want to start it all over from the beginning just for this f*** radio.