In another one you find a vindicator minigun and scream "Die Pikachu!!!" while wiping out all the pokemon while they're making their various annoying sounds.
Make that: A village of wookies lead by four morons in brightly coloured suits (teletubbies) holding odd looking creatures (pokemon) for pet's. and I'm your man. As for the Pokemon skinning perk, great, and then you could use their skins to decorate your armour. And while we're hating pokemon now anyway, let's do something similar to Tragic: the Garnering.
And if you really hate pokemon (or just love to see things being destroyed), go visit
a new way to finish of Pikachu every day, recorded live, I just loved the one in wich pikachu (played by: Pikachu the stuffed pokemon thing) get's torn apart by a lawnmoher, especially that background tune (from jaws) in fun.
>Yeah i want to kill the
>mother-fucking-suking teletubies with a bassoka
>blasting theyr fuking heads of
>and then let dog meat
>eat the leftovers yeah.
Bazooka you mean? I don't know if Teletubby meat would be very good for Dog Meat's digestive track.. they look kinda rubbery.