Random Encounters?


Mildly Dipped
OK so first off my question is that if someone avoids ever using fast travel, will that eliminate most or all of the 'random' encounters?

I hardly ever see any i think, sometimes when i fast travel there are just some raiders nearby or some people trying to hunt me down for a reward...

Anyone get anything really unique? Is there anyway to increase your chances of getting a random encounter? Am i just a total fool who knows nothing of what he speaks?
Wait - you get random encounters when fast traveling? I just end up at the target location, without delay. Occasionaly there is someone at that location.

When going to a location (e.g. entering a subway) or when sleeping in a bed in the wastes, I got a random encounter with a woman that gave me an update on the android quest.

I completed that quest now, can go to Rivet city to meet the docter to let him do that special thingy to one of my body parts (trying to avoid spoilers here), but I never met the damn android. I think.

Go arround in the DC area. I've had multiple random encounters there. (might be scripted though). But in DC i've seen pack's of dogs fighting mercs or raiders. Talon Mercs attacking Super Mutants on large scale.

Only thing does bug me, every time i go to the super duper mart. That John fellow is always alive and fighting off 3 dogs. I've stopped getting his key since i already own his key for like 5 times... So i'm not quite sure how much of everything is actually random. More scripted to me.
In the DC area I ran into a wastelander woman who had been strapped with dynomite by raiders. My explosives, though at 45% w/ mentats and utility suit, was not high enough to save her. She went boom. Oh well.

I've never been rewarded from any random encounter with anything more than a couple of stims.

How about some unique weapons/armor here? I miss my bridgekeeper's robes that I wore in FO2 for like half the game!
i've found a chinese combat hat. Not that it is very special. But is the only chinese armor that i've found till now.