Does anyone else think FO2 would be
more interesting with less ammo?
I really like the Mad-max inspired idea
of scrounging for every clip of ammo
(though in mad max its gas/petrol)
If i had a rad-rats idea about scripting,
code and modding i would cut the
amount of ammo in the game by
approx. 50%. As guns are (almost)
undisputably the best form of attack
in the game, this would make H2H
Also, logically, with rarer ammo guns
would be less valuable so i would
reduce the value of guns by 30-40%.
I find the money i make from selling
guns dwarfs any money i actually
'earn' doing jobs, so i think gun value
is inlfated, esp. when you can run off
into the wasteland and get as many
as you like (from the cold, stiff fingers
of your enemies! )
Anyone thinking the same way?
more interesting with less ammo?
I really like the Mad-max inspired idea
of scrounging for every clip of ammo
(though in mad max its gas/petrol)
If i had a rad-rats idea about scripting,
code and modding i would cut the
amount of ammo in the game by
approx. 50%. As guns are (almost)
undisputably the best form of attack
in the game, this would make H2H
Also, logically, with rarer ammo guns
would be less valuable so i would
reduce the value of guns by 30-40%.
I find the money i make from selling
guns dwarfs any money i actually
'earn' doing jobs, so i think gun value
is inlfated, esp. when you can run off
into the wasteland and get as many
as you like (from the cold, stiff fingers
of your enemies! )
Anyone thinking the same way?