Re-Release Install Help Needed Please..


First time out of the vault
Heya guys,

Well after getting the bug again to play Fallout 1 and 2 I hunted high and low for my original games, and could only find the manuals.

So..After a search I found the games had been re-released in the three game package.

So far so good, now when I try to install I get the error not supported for this windows system. I have checked the read files, the manuals and cant find anything to help me install it on Windows XP.

I tried the install on fallout cd, it installs but cant do anything with it...

Sorry I am a bit of a noob when it comes to Windows ect, any help much needed...

Many thanks in advance..

Athlon 2100XP

Ram 512

Geforce 4 64MB

Windows XP..Service Pack1

Direct X9.0b...

Cheers again

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1) Find master.dat and critter.dat on CD, copy them into a folder.
2) download patch (or direct from NMA) and extract everything (keeping directory structure) into the folder.
3) Run it. If the music is still missing, look for ACM files on the CD, copy them into data/sound music or edit fallout.cfg to point to the CD.
just open the cd so you can see all of the files/folders, right click on SETUP.EXE, Select properties, go to the compatability tab, tick the "run this program in compatability mode for:" box and set the operating system to windows 95. then run setup and you can install it properly