Real life Sanctuary Hills

Lonecat Nekophrodite

First time out of the vault
Is the Sanctuary Hills Barrett's Farm In Real Life? since a location is just north of Concord by Old North Bridge. ?
Anyone here ever visit the place? both a hill beyond Old North Bridge, and the Farm itself.
Is there an extra lore saying anything about it if the Barrett's Farm has not been restored but instead replaced by a real estate project where Lustron type prefabricated housings are built there in place? since there's none in game (And Abernathy Farm is purely postwar, a relatively recent since Abernathy family dwelling there is a Third Generation, and what's now a farmhouse was once a high Megawatts power pylon.
Been lurking here for a bit, made an account just to post that I’ve actually been to the irl location and it’s just a bridge with a patch of ponds behind it. It’s a part of Concord irl. But the “cul de sac of Sanctuary” is just a pond irl. Cheers.
Been lurking here for a bit, made an account just to post that I’ve actually been to the irl location and it’s just a bridge with a patch of ponds behind it. It’s a part of Concord irl. But the “cul de sac of Sanctuary” is just a pond irl. Cheers.
Really? Huh, NGL I was expecting something to actually be there, interesting. Thanks for sharing! :clap: :ok:

Also, do you have pics of the location? :confused:
Really? Huh, NGL I was expecting something to actually be there, interesting. Thanks for sharing! :clap: :ok:

Also, do you have pics of the location? :confused:

No pics because its been a few years but it’s in the Minuteman National Park, went on a tour of the area a few years ago with a few friends for a trip we did together to sightsee the East Coast US.
Been lurking here for a bit, made an account just to post that I’ve actually been to the irl location and it’s just a bridge with a patch of ponds behind it. It’s a part of Concord irl. But the “cul de sac of Sanctuary” is just a pond irl. Cheers.
An art of actual battle site. back in 19th April 1775.
This was indeed a hill. I've yet to visit the exact location but the Old North Bridge that is the only connection to the roadway is actually Thrid Generation IRL, in game it would be Fifth or Sixth Generation with the last rebuild would be sometimes before 2077. and the location did shifts two or three times. While IRL (based on what i've saw on Youtube) this place is National Park, and no paved way, walkway only (The bridge would not likely capable of supporting any road vehicles,) and no rutways beyond a monument, and a building which is now Visitors center is now connected with separate road with a circle road. this picture shown that the bridge itself was once a part of colonial highway systems.
British objective is to suppress the uprising, by hitting Barrett's Farm where intel reports indicates that these were Minutemen's weapon caches. that even has a pair of bronze cannons.

Lexington and Concord -- April 18 & 19 1775 -- British Retreat (October 2020).jpg

^This map shows that the place that might be Sanc Hills is indeed a junction. it is clear that in 18th Century it was a simple highway.
when it becomes National Park. Highways had to be rerouted

In game. this place is the end of the road (or rather. the beginning). No alternate roads nor New North Bridge that made for automotives at all. i'm not sure if Bethesda chose to fictionalize the landscape even to the point that Concord River changed course and eventually turned historic site into an island. or even if design decisions came from their own or after their goons played Assassin's Creed III when doing an ingame landscape research for what should it looks like. or any potential site to place a game beginning vault (There's a scene where player visited Concord and even cross the same North Bridge and yes. the ingame terrain is very much pronounced / elevated and surprisingly matched Sanc Hills in Fallout 4 quite perfectly!)
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