It Wandered In From the Wastes

Seeing as we don't know if/when we'll get a CS, I'll throw this idea out there so that if, by the time the CS comes out I've lost interest, someone else might pick up my idea and run with it.
So I've been playing the game a little this afternoon for the first time and in all honesty I see a decent base. But that didn't stop me from scribbling down all kinds of notes for tweaks. One of these tweaks concerns VATS.
As it stands, you have action points, and they get used up in VATS. Simple enough, but sort of leads to the I WIN button situation, wherein you just queue up a bunch of shots and go grab a snack while the slow mo shots do their thing.
So I was thinking the best way to balance this out is to have APs drain based on certain real-time actions. There are different ways one could approach this, such as:
Many or All Actions Use APs (think Tactics RTwP): Running, shooting, aiming, jumping, possibly using stims (if it can be detected) would all have an AP cost associated with them, and doing these actions in real time would drain APs, making you less able to use a VATs shot. This method would reserve VATs for a finishing shot or a clutch moment.
Some Actions Use APs: Maybe only a few of the actions above, or maybe other actions entirely, would use APs. Perhaps Only aiming and attacking for example.
I'm going to describe how one would do this in the Oblivion CS, as the method will probably be similar. The obvious route is a Quest Script that's running during game mode that detects the above actions (some of which might only be detectable with a script extender, if Oblivion is any indication) and simply removes an appropriate amount of APs for each action.
I think an approach like this, coupled with some tweaking of VATs itself, could make combat more strategic.
So I've been playing the game a little this afternoon for the first time and in all honesty I see a decent base. But that didn't stop me from scribbling down all kinds of notes for tweaks. One of these tweaks concerns VATS.
As it stands, you have action points, and they get used up in VATS. Simple enough, but sort of leads to the I WIN button situation, wherein you just queue up a bunch of shots and go grab a snack while the slow mo shots do their thing.
So I was thinking the best way to balance this out is to have APs drain based on certain real-time actions. There are different ways one could approach this, such as:
Many or All Actions Use APs (think Tactics RTwP): Running, shooting, aiming, jumping, possibly using stims (if it can be detected) would all have an AP cost associated with them, and doing these actions in real time would drain APs, making you less able to use a VATs shot. This method would reserve VATs for a finishing shot or a clutch moment.
Some Actions Use APs: Maybe only a few of the actions above, or maybe other actions entirely, would use APs. Perhaps Only aiming and attacking for example.
I'm going to describe how one would do this in the Oblivion CS, as the method will probably be similar. The obvious route is a Quest Script that's running during game mode that detects the above actions (some of which might only be detectable with a script extender, if Oblivion is any indication) and simply removes an appropriate amount of APs for each action.
I think an approach like this, coupled with some tweaking of VATs itself, could make combat more strategic.