Reasons why FO is a RPG like D&D


So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs
Im in an argument with a freind over AIM, talking bout RPG's and she doesnt count FO as one (or any cRPG) since you dont manualy roll the dice like in D&D and other dice RPGs.

Since FO was the first RPG I ever played, I'd like for D&D players here to post the good points about FO and how it stands to D&D, and Ill give her the link to read the arguments.
Point out to her that the dice rolls are, unless you cheat, "under the hood", automatic, and still there. You still have deciwsion of how your character progresses and how the world responds to that in turn. :)
So your friend thinks that rolling dice and scribbling on a piece of paper is what constitutes RPG? What a dimwit.
There are remedies to that. High velocity ammunition is one.
Explain to her that an RPG is a composite of plot, characters, setting and many other things. The interface while essential, is not the most important aspect. Also explain to her that interface is the means that one uses to interact with an object or idea (is the electricity flowing through a computer considered an object?).
If you are really devious, bang her. That will make her subconscious accept what you said with a greater ease.
SkynetV3 said:
If you are really devious, bang her. That will make her subconscious accept what you said with a greater ease.

She's 15, Im 20 in 2 days=15-20 in state prison for that plan :p

Other than that, your argument is concise.
according to the 'dice roll' requirement, WarCraft3 is an RPG (not really, but you get my drift hopefully).
the unit editor uses dice rolls where you specify the amount of dice and sides on each die in a few places...
ask her if she thinks Everquest or Final Fantasy is an RPG... if she says no, she is blatently an idiot and you will not be able to convince her...

as i see it, Fallout is closer to the typical RPG than either of the games mentioned above
I wouldn't consider EQ or any of the FF games to be real RPG's either.

EQ = a crappy massive-population version of HEXEN with worse graphics and fewer options for its time, and FF = interactive comic book.
Most of the FF's are basically adventure games, especially that shit-fest FFX. FFVII and especially FFVIII were the closest to true RPG's out there, due to the freedom of movement around the world.
You seriously showed her the thread? Oh, man... Now she knows the only reason why you refrain from raping her is because you don't want to go to prison. I wouldn't be surprised if she changed her name and address, too.
FFVII and FVIII were the furthest away from true RPGs. Your characters don't actually develop at all. They just change their equipment and fight as walking coat racks, letting their gear do the work. You don't have any say in how your characters develop, either. At least in FFVI, your character's statistic growth was determined throughout the game by the choices in equipment you used rather than slapping magic glow-balls in their friggin' weapons.

Or do you mean the one who did the Illiad?

Interactive comic book? Like max payne?

FFX still had a stat sytem. It had that weird sphere grid! that was how you changed your character!
What happened to people actually thinking the a game was a RPG based on that it involved role-playing? what's all this crap about dices(die? non-native english speaker here)? Even in a pen-paper rpg you don't have to roll dices very often if you have a competent GM. And as for the creation process there are many both pen-paper rpgs and crpgs that have you using some non-random method for char creation, or even pre-designed chars.