Recommended special stats? Traits?


It Wandered In From the Wastes
Unarmed and melee - main fighting skills, guns - second (for use of sniper weapons). If agility affects speed of the unarmed and range attacks i want it to be more than 8, charizma 1. Question, what about other stats? Is it good choice if they were:

str 5 (7 with owb and inplant)
perception 5 (6 with an inplant)
endurance 6 (7 with an inplant)
charizma 1
inteligent 9 (10 with an inplant)
agility 9 (with an inplant)
luck 5 (7 with an inplant and LR ending perk)

Are thes good or am I missing something? I get better criticals perk with it, and decent str with agility, so... what do you think?
Good Natured is a great trait and Wild Wasteland while fun will make you miss out on the YCS/186 which is a great weapon if you are into energy weapons but as you said you want to use unarmed, melee and guns. Also 1 charisma is really bad because companions will die very easily. Heavy handed could also be a good trait for that kind of character but you do seem to want to get plenty of critical hits.
Yeah, I do. I play on HC mode and very hard, but companions dont die too often, well, it is an easy game afterall...


So, after a little research I found that the best hybrid stats for ENERGY, MELEE and UNARMED character would be: (with all the inplants, dlc inplants and perks (+ str from LR and one perk of training for special at lvl 6, and owb reinforced spine): str 10, per 6, end 6, cha 1, int 10, agl 10, lck 6. Trigger discipline and build to destroy. Yep, if you collect most of the skill books for fighting and other stats at the first part of the game (before starting any DLC) you do get all the needed perks for melee, unarmed, energy weapons and critical enchancing, you get kind a "Jack of all trades character" at level 24-25 (well, all the fighting stats (energy, melee, unarmed, snake) are 80+, and other stats 70+). Not to mention higher level character...just needed to plan a little.

So, YCS-186 riffle with decent unarmed/melee + elite riot gear - a lot of crits and damage with speed at level arround 30-35, and just with DM and LR completed even not entered the STRIP (except if you just want the skill books, which are there). Hell yeah. Maybe I need difficullity enchanting mod...
S=7 (implant and IT)
E=6 (implant)
C=8(implant and ITx2)
I=8 (IT)
A=8 (small frame and implant and IT)
L=9 (implant

(I go a bit overboard with intense training)

As for tag skills: small guns, repair and speech
traits: small frame, wild wasteland