Nov 9, 2016 #1 L lily First time out of the vault hello which mods would you recommend for first playthrough to make the game better experience? im mostly interested in graphics and gameplay but some content like when its good is ok too i think.
hello which mods would you recommend for first playthrough to make the game better experience? im mostly interested in graphics and gameplay but some content like when its good is ok too i think.
Nov 10, 2016 #3 cordelionreaver Where'd That 6th Toe Come From? Fallout Character Overhaul NMC Texture Pack I can't really recommend mods for Fallout 3, because I didn't care enough to play it on the pc, even with TTW.
Fallout Character Overhaul NMC Texture Pack I can't really recommend mods for Fallout 3, because I didn't care enough to play it on the pc, even with TTW.
Nov 13, 2016 #4 DerGogan It Wandered In From the Wastes Check out the "Clear & Present Danger" Guide. It's the FO3 equivilant of the STEP-Guide for Skyrim.
Check out the "Clear & Present Danger" Guide. It's the FO3 equivilant of the STEP-Guide for Skyrim.
Nov 13, 2016 #5 Ninja Who? TTW, 'cause you can take all your goodies from the Capital Wasteland then get the fuck outta Dodge. New Vegas is where it's at.
TTW, 'cause you can take all your goodies from the Capital Wasteland then get the fuck outta Dodge. New Vegas is where it's at.
Nov 13, 2016 #6 Makta The DICKtator Fallout wanderer edition or w/e it was called added a lot of great stuff. Haven't played it in a long time but i guess it is still about the same.
Fallout wanderer edition or w/e it was called added a lot of great stuff. Haven't played it in a long time but i guess it is still about the same.