Red Ash

The Courier

Blain is a pain.
As a huge fan of classic Mega Man and all the sub-series that sprang from it, one of my favorite all-time games was a little game called Megaman Legends. I grew up on Playstation, (with a bit of Sega Genesis and NES/SNES on the side) so this game was pretty big for me. I grew so attached to Kattelox Island and it's denizens, the dungeon diving, item crafting and theme that it still influences my art to this day. Anyway, since most of you are likely familiar with Capcom's fuckery, I'll spare you the sob story of how they blue-balled their fans and killed the third entry in The Legends series. (Let alone all of Mega Man which they seem to have a vendetta against.)

Instead, we'll skip ahead to now. Keiji Inafune, Mega Man's former series lead and creator of numerous big classic Capcom titles, has taken to Kickstarter once again after his successful Mighty No.9 campaign. He is trying to fund Red Ash: The Indelible Legend, a spiritual successor to Legends and sub-series of Mighty No.9. The project is a long ways off, but it revived something in me I thought had died. Not many twice-killed series get a chance at life again, even under different names and I thought I'd try and spread the word. No one is obligated to back it, of course, I'm just trying to spread awareness as a fan of the work he's raising and as someone who likes seeing Capcom proven wrong. Anyway, I suppose that's all I have to say. Just give it a look if you're interested, and if you like what you see, spread the word.

Here's the Kickstarter page.