Red Austrian Kangaroos


Vault Dweller
Original Email sent to various Hotels in Austria :
Dear Sir,

I've been a huge fan of the Crocodile Dundee movies since I was a little kid.
I have already booked my flight to Austria. I plan to arrive in a town called Vienna in December. Do you have any vacancies for the first week of December?
I plan to see kangaroos, Koalas and the Sydney Opera House. Are the Austrian Aborigines a friendly people? Do you know if the Red Kangaroo is extinct in Austria or not?
In closing let me just say "Good Day, mate" and "Throw another shrimp on the barbie for me!"
Lawrence Silverman

Response from Hotel Pension Continental in Vienna, Austria :
Dear mr Silverman,
I am sorry, but we are in the central EUROPE.
You mentioned not Austria, Australia.
best regards,
Tibor Tarnai

Response from Hotel Ambassador in Vienna, Austria :
Dear Mr Silverman,
according to the picture that you will find attached you may want to re-think your travel plans?
Best regards
Tanja Mihatsch
Front desk
Hotel Ambassador
Vienna, Austria, Europe

(So, Tanja has been kind enough to provide me with a visual aid that shows there are no giant mountain-sized kangaroos in Austria. And I suppose there are no gigantic, volcano-sized Koala Bears there either. But what about the normal-sized kangaroos? What about those ones, Tanja???)

Response from Vienna Apartments - Ing. Walter Szabo Apartmentpension in Vienna, Austria :
Dear Lawrence Silverman,
thank you for your inquiry.
We rent apartments in Vienna which is in Austria, a country in Europe.
As far as i know there are only 2 Koalas in Austria, at the Vienna Zoo.
The closest thing that comes to Austrian Aboriginals would be this
Kangaroo population is not existent, Sydney Operahouse on the other end of
the planet.
I assume that you want to go to Australia (very nice country by the way).
They have all the Kangaroo, Koala, Aboriginal stuff there, but i am afraid
no Vienna.
However, if you are looking for accommodation in Vienna Austria
you can have a look at what i can offer on our website
Just enter your arrival date and number of nights you want to stay on the
first page and klick search.
All available apartments will be listed then and can be booked online if you want.
Yours sincerely,
Walter Szabo
(Wow. By the looks of that picture, I guess the answer to my original question is : No, the Austrian Aborigines are not a friendly people.)

Second Response from Hotel Pension Continental in Vienna, Austria :
Dear Mr. Silverman,
thank you very much for your mail.
first of all see our
We do not have coalas but two pandas and we shall try to get some red
kangaroo for your stay in Vienna AUSTRIA
Loking forward to hearing from you soon
thank you
Tibor Tarnai
(Hey look, it's Tibor again and this time I think he's making fun of me. Why you got to dis me like that, Tibor? Why?)

Response from Hotel Karolinenhof in Vienna, Austria :
Dear Mr.Silverman,
we are happy to let you know that we still have rooms to let in the first
week of december.
If you are sure that you didn´t mix up Austria and Australia and you want
to book a room in our hotel please send us another mail in which you tell
us when you plan to arrive/ to leave and how many persons we have to expect.
We will confirm your booking as soon as you mail us your wishes and your
creditcard number with the date of the end of its validity.
We have 2 categories of rooms - the old and the new building - and for this
reason we have 2 categories of prices ( the equipment is the same ):
1 single old: 58 Euro per night
1 single new: 70 Euro per night
Hotel Karolinenhof,
Iris, Reception
(If I'm sure I didn't mix up Austria and Australia? If I'm sure I didn't mix up Austria and Australia???!! I guess I should have mentioned the Great Barrier Reef, the Tasmanian Devil, INXS, vegemite sandwiches and didgeridoos in my original email. Then maybe, just maybe, Iris would think "Hey, you know what? I think this guy IS mixing up Austria with Australia. No need to waste my time providing him with our two categories of prices.")

Response from IntHotels in Vienna, Austria :
Vielen Dank für Ihr Interesse an
Wir werden uns umgehend um Ihr Anliegen kümmern.
(Yes! That's my point exactly!!!)
Hah! There are people with a sense of humor in Vienna, then.

I was there in November, the place looks like a giant eclectic cake.