redding caravans bug


First time out of the vault
i can't seem to join more than 1 caravan in redding (i complete it successfully but when i return there are no caravan masters in the tents, regardless of the date). i remember joining those over and over years ago, but this time around it seems no matter what i do they disappear. any ideas or fixes on this?

ps: i think i remember joining return caravans too (ncr->redding for example) but these don't appear anymore either.
Salvanelli and Stanwell (New Reno and NCR drivers, respectively) can be found in the Redding tents on the 11th and 21st every even numbered month (Feb, April, June, Aug, Oct, and December). They will be in Reno or NCR on the odd numbered months at the same days, and usually a few days before. The Vault City driver (can't remember his name) is the opposite - Redding on odd numbered months and Vault City for even.

The caravans at Duppo's (in NCR across from the Sheriff's office) have always been buggy. Even with the latest RP patch. It usually works twice - once flawlessly, the second time after a few months you have the option, but the driver goes missing, and then they never work, even if Duppo gives you the option.

Hope this helps!
Not saying you are wrong, but I haven't had that Duppo (Hal) problem. Just tested it 4 times in a row with no problems. You must be doing something differently than me.
Not saying you are wrong, but I haven't had that Duppo (Hal) problem. Just tested it 4 times in a row with no problems. You must be doing something differently than me.

Huh. It's always been that a three step process for me:
1.) First run, no problems at all.
2.) Second run (usually after a few months to get the option) I get to Redding, but the caravan driver isn't there. No dialogue, no payment, nothing.
3.) Third run, I get the option from Duppo, but the caravan driver in front of Westin's never shows up the next day.

It's been like this for me since vanilla Fallout 2.
That is odd as I thought we fixed that, and as far as I can tell it's working.
Did you go with a caravan back to NCR? I'm thinking that perhaps something goes wrong if you do a different caravan run in between and some value doesn't get reset?
That is odd as I thought we fixed that, and as far as I can tell it's working.
Did you go with a caravan back to NCR? I'm thinking that perhaps something goes wrong if you do a different caravan run in between and some value doesn't get reset?

The NCR->Redding brahmin run bugged out for me too. I think I did take a different caravan to NCR and tried to do a NCR->Redding Brahmin run. After I reached Redding, Hal doesnt appear so i cant collect my pay. I went back to NCR, and Duppo told me a caravan run was available, but Hal doesnt show up ouside of Westin's ranch so I cant do another run.

Save :

In case you get an error while loading the files, try to delete all the non-redding locations in the savegame using f12se as that save was done with the economy rebalance mod ontop of the RP.
So I think I figured it out.
Hal (it's not actually Hal, just some guy paying you called "scdrvpay") will disappear permanently from Redding if you go on his caravan run and then leave the map and come back again (the one you arrive on in Redding).
He is on that Redding map from the start of the game, and if you are not doing the caravan run when you enter the map, he turns himself invisible. But when you arrive on the map after the caravan run he sets himself visible, and adds bwor 8 to Gvar 266 (in node006). The next time you enter the map the guy checks Gvar 266 and finds the 8 bit and destroys himself (because that's what he is told to do).

When I tested it before I went straight back to NCR and Duppo, who reset that gvar bit, which is why it didn't break for me.

Maybe he was never meant to show up more than once, and killap missed to change that bit when he made it possible to go an Hal's Cattle run more than once (or could you always go on more than one run?). Anyway, I see no reason to set that bit for Gvar 266 unless Hal is dead or you ran away from the caravan, so that is what I propose should be done.
Maybe he was never meant to show up more than once, and killap missed to change that bit when he made it possible to go an Hal's Cattle run more than once (or could you always go on more than one run?). Anyway, I see no reason to set that bit for Gvar 266 unless Hal is dead or you ran away from the caravan, so that is what I propose should be done.
Judging from "complete brahmin drive" is listed as a quest in Pipboy, I think it's never meant to be repeatable. From Duppo's dialog it seems to be repeatable after "a few months", but the time frame is too vague IMO. Would be better if editing that line to just tell player he's not certain when cattle drive season will start again or "I'll let you know" or something.
So I think I figured it out.
Hal (it's not actually Hal, just some guy paying you called "scdrvpay") will disappear permanently from Redding if you go on his caravan run and then leave the map and come back again (the one you arrive on in Redding).
He is on that Redding map from the start of the game, and if you are not doing the caravan run when you enter the map, he turns himself invisible. But when you arrive on the map after the caravan run he sets himself visible, and adds bwor 8 to Gvar 266 (in node006). The next time you enter the map the guy checks Gvar 266 and finds the 8 bit and destroys himself (because that's what he is told to do).

When I tested it before I went straight back to NCR and Duppo, who reset that gvar bit, which is why it didn't break for me.

Maybe he was never meant to show up more than once, and killap missed to change that bit when he made it possible to go an Hal's Cattle run more than once (or could you always go on more than one run?). Anyway, I see no reason to set that bit for Gvar 266 unless Hal is dead or you ran away from the caravan, so that is what I propose should be done.

Would resetting gvar 266 to 0 fix it?
So I think I figured it out.
Hal (it's not actually Hal, just some guy paying you called "scdrvpay") will disappear permanently from Redding if you go on his caravan run and then leave the map and come back again (the one you arrive on in Redding).
He is on that Redding map from the start of the game, and if you are not doing the caravan run when you enter the map, he turns himself invisible. But when you arrive on the map after the caravan run he sets himself visible, and adds bwor 8 to Gvar 266 (in node006). The next time you enter the map the guy checks Gvar 266 and finds the 8 bit and destroys himself (because that's what he is told to do).

When I tested it before I went straight back to NCR and Duppo, who reset that gvar bit, which is why it didn't break for me.

Maybe he was never meant to show up more than once, and killap missed to change that bit when he made it possible to go an Hal's Cattle run more than once (or could you always go on more than one run?). Anyway, I see no reason to set that bit for Gvar 266 unless Hal is dead or you ran away from the caravan, so that is what I propose should be done.

Not sure if im looking at the right file, looking at SCHAL.SSL, node006 doesnt seem to contain any mention of "bwor 8".

Is this the part you meant?


The script editor says its bit 4. Node 006 seems to be the part where Hal actually talks to you and pays you (since there are "reply" parts in the scripts which are for dialogue). set_cattle_drive(CATTLE_FINISHED); should occur after the dialogue is finished.

I think the problem is that cattle_finished doesnt get reset to 0 when you get a second cattle drive from Duppo...but then there is still the problem that you can never get into the casino since the cattle drive is never fully finished in the RP.

Edit : I also found something interesting...apparently fortune finder doubles your caravan pay, according to caravan.h?
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Yes you are in the right place, but the wrong file.
All caravans have a one-time only payout man, that show up in case the caravan master dies.
In Hal's case though, you only get the payout man (SCDRVPAY.SSL), Hal himself never sets foot in Redding.
Yes, Hal has dialog and outdated code for paying you, but that was abandoned by the devs at some point, and there is no code for placing him in Redding in the REDMENT map script. Also, in Hals version, he only pays you 150 plus 150 extra for each party member you may have with you (not a bad feature actually).

Anyway, "set_cattle_drive(CATTLE_FINISHED);" means "set_global_var(266, global_var(266) bwor 8);"
Now Gvar266 is a flag (bitwise), which means it can have several values at the same time.
Bit number 1 is 1, bit_2 is 2, bit_3 is 4, bit_4 is 8 and bit_5 is 16 etc. So if you look at Gvar266 in the save game editor and see that it has a value of 25, you know that bit_1, bit_4 and bit_5 is "on", and the rest of the bits are "off". A successful run should end with gvar266 being 797.

The problem is not that Gvar 266 isn't reset to zero by Duppo before the second run, as the payout guy in Redding can disappear anyway. The problem is that there shouldn't be a second run at all, and if there has to be one, then the payout guy shouldn't be told to erase himself.
I agree with you though, that you should be able to get into the Casino no matter what is up with the caravan (though I seem to recall that is a vanilla problem).

Also I don't think the double pay from fortune finder was ever put into the game, at least I didn't find it in Wade's scrip.

Also+ The payout guys for the regular caravan masters still pay way less than what the caravan masters do. I guess killap forgot to fix that.
Yes you are in the right place, but the wrong file.
All caravans have a one-time only payout man, that show up in case the caravan master dies.
In Hal's case though, you only get the payout man (SCDRVPAY.SSL), Hal himself never sets foot in Redding.
Yes, Hal has dialog and outdated code for paying you, but that was abandoned by the devs at some point, and there is no code for placing him in Redding in the REDMENT map script. Also, in Hals version, he only pays you 150 plus 150 extra for each party member you may have with you (not a bad feature actually).

Anyway, "set_cattle_drive(CATTLE_FINISHED);" means "set_global_var(266, global_var(266) bwor 8);"
Now Gvar266 is a flag (bitwise), which means it can have several values at the same time.
Bit number 1 is 1, bit_2 is 2, bit_3 is 4, bit_4 is 8 and bit_5 is 16 etc. So if you look at Gvar266 in the save game editor and see that it has a value of 25, you know that bit_1, bit_4 and bit_5 is "on", and the rest of the bits are "off". A successful run should end with gvar266 being 797.

The problem is not that Gvar 266 isn't reset to zero by Duppo before the second run, as the payout guy in Redding can disappear anyway. The problem is that there shouldn't be a second run at all, and if there has to be one, then the payout guy shouldn't be told to erase himself.
I agree with you though, that you should be able to get into the Casino no matter what is up with the caravan (though I seem to recall that is a vanilla problem).

Also I don't think the double pay from fortune finder was ever put into the game, at least I didn't find it in Wade's scrip.

Also+ The payout guys for the regular caravan masters still pay way less than what the caravan masters do. I guess killap forgot to fix that.

OK, so what would be the best way to fix this so that the player can go on multiple runs and still get access to the casino?

Im still confused as to where the problem is exactly. In the SCDRVPAY file :

end else if (cattle_drive(CATTLE_FINISHED)) then begin

I dont understand why this would be a problem, because if duppo resets it to 0, then it shouldnt be flagged as finished anyway. Duppo does have the code for resetting the GVAR to 0...

Would removing the bolded part work?

if (not cattle_drive(CATTLE_FINISHED) and cattle_drive(CATTLE_ON1)) then begin
set_obj_visibility(self_obj, OBJ_VIS);
set_local_var(LVAR_Vis, 1);
No, I don't think so. What exactly would that acomplish? I only have my phone at the moment so I can't really check myself.

Anyway, the problem with him destroying himself is that he can't ever come back after that.
If you take that caravan to Redding, then do some quests there, the moment you enter that map again (which you will), he will destroy himself.

So what you need to do is change when he destroys himself. He should only do it when Hal is dead, and prefferably also when you run away from the caravan.

Also, I'm not sure resetting the Gvar to 0 is a good thing, as that will make Duppo reset his dialog with you as well. In fact, I think that may be a bug. killap probably meant to reset local_var7, the one that stores the time you can go on another run, but accidentally wrote the global_var instead.
Because the way Duppo's script work now, the time for caravans don't change. You only have to wait for a few months after the first run, after that you can go as often as you'd like.

Can you check the condition for when Duppo resets that global?
To see if it is a bug...
Also, I'm not sure resetting the Gvar to 0 is a good thing, as that will make Duppo reset his dialog with you as well. In fact, I think that may be a bug. killap probably meant to reset local_var7, the one that stores the time you can go on another run, but accidentally wrote the global_var instead.
Because the way Duppo's script work now, the time for caravans don't change. You only have to wait for a few months after the first run, after that you can go as often as you'd like.

Can you check the condition for when Duppo resets that global?
To see if it is a bug...
Duppo resets GVAR_NCR_CATTLE_DRIVE (266) to 0 in his "start" procedure:
//killap code
#define new_run                         ((game_time >= local_var(LVAR_Cattle_Drives)) and (local_var(LVAR_Cattle_Drives) != 0))
#define start_next_cattle_run           if (local_var(LVAR_Cattle_Drives) == 0) then set_local_var(LVAR_Cattle_Drives, game_time + (ONE_GAME_MONTH*6))
//end killap code
procedure start begin
   if ((new_run) and not(cattle_drive(HAL_DEAD))) then begin
      if ((cattle_drive(CATTLE_FINISHED)) or (cattle_drive(CATTLE_MISSED))) then begin
   //added by killap
Thanks @NovaRain
So doesn't look like an obvious bug, though it still could be. Definitely an oversight anyway.

I was wrong in thinking that resetting gvar 266 to 0 would affect the dialog, but I don't think it does anything useful either. That variable gets changed during the caravan run anyway. Oh well, I guess it doesn't matter.

Still saying that LVAR_Cattle_Drives shoulf be reset to 0 at the same time as Gvar 266 (or perhaps instead of)