Refrenced Memory Crash (Fallout2)


First time out of the vault
Hello, thanks in advance for any help anyone here can give.
Before posting this I ran a search for similar issues and found a thread that vaguely matched my issue (referenced memory error even though the error numbers were different) but it was never resolved and a bit dated so I decided to make a new thread.

The mods I am running are as follows:

Killap's Unofficial Fallout 2 Patch (US/UK - installer)
F2 Restoration Project v1.2
Friendly Klint

They were installed in that order as well.

Basically everything works great until I leave Arroyo and heading towards Klamath. After a couple seconds traveling it looks like it attempts to have an encounter and then just crashes.

The error message is as follows:


Thanks again everyone for any help you can offer.
Killap's Unofficial Fallout 2 Patch (US/UK - installer)
F2 Restoration Project v1.2
Friendly Klint

Please read the read me files. Killaps patch is part of the RP, and unless Friendly Klint was specificity tweaked for the RP it wont work.

So you shot your self in the foot basically. Just install the RP, and pick and choose the extras available in the installer.


There is a compatible lootable armour mod now as well.
On the subject of friendly klint, it'd be kind of nice to have a compatible, less buggy version of that. Unfortunately, my scripting abilities are nonexistent. Would anyone be interested in trying to fix it and make it compatible with RP?
Recon Rover Rick said:
On the subject of friendly klint, it'd be kind of nice to have a compatible, less buggy version of that. Unfortunately, my scripting abilities are nonexistent. Would anyone be interested in trying to fix it and make it compatible with RP?
I really doubt that anyone would want it in current state - currently the mod is just one big bug (Friendly Klint2 bug list).
I didn't think Klint was just "one big bug" in Megamod, but he does have problems that MIB88 is working on (last I read). Hopefully they can be fixed. I never had any of the problems mentioned on that list you linked, hakimio, except he just "disappeared" sometimes, and loved to stand in doorways and only turn around when I try to push him out of the way.

Perfect or not, since Klint isn't a part of Restoration Project, he could be added in by editing a few files, the same as I did to get the Miria mod working. It will be more than that though, as Klint doesn't exist at all in RP. You would need to add him to a Restoration Project map.

This should prolly be moved to the "Friendly Klint" thread if there is one, since Dude101 already answered the question. :|
Morticia said:
I didn't think Klint was just "one big bug" in Megamod, but he does have problems that MIB88 is working on (last I read). Hopefully they can be fixed. I never had any of the problems mentioned on that list you linked, hakimio, except he just "disappeared" sometimes, and loved to stand in doorways and only turn around when I try to push him out of the way.
That's really strange as I have experienced all of them... Maybe it really matters when you recruit it. Did he join you before you passed the temple or after?
@ hakimio,

I get Klint to join at the start, before the temple. That is confusing and bugged also, if play a female.

And at some levels I have no controls, they all go grey with no combat options. Nothing I can do to change anything Klint does. Then suddenly it all comes back, like the armor bug where you need to leave that screen before it takes effect.

I'm not a very good bug catcher as I play and don't make notes, so nothing to report to MIB88.

What you are saying is important though, if Klint is programmed to be different with male or female PC.

Lots of work to do if someone wants to fix this mod. I'm certain that MIB88 is working on this, and will do what he can.

By the way {BTW} Armor looting works great with RP. I hope you make it work with 1.3 also.
I'm changing Klint to be more like the other party NPCs. It's just tedious. He will level up just like the others, not with an armor change. He will not be the 'tank' that he is now... more in line with Sulik. However, the end result is that he will be weaker than Sulik... the tradeoff for his ability to heal the player character. However, this version isn't finished yet, and will NOT make an appearance in the next Megamod (2.35).
hakimio said:
Recon Rover Rick said:
On the subject of friendly klint, it'd be kind of nice to have a compatible, less buggy version of that. Unfortunately, my scripting abilities are nonexistent. Would anyone be interested in trying to fix it and make it compatible with RP?
I really doubt that anyone would want it in current state - currently the mod is just one big bug (Friendly Klint2 bug list).

Hence the less buggy. :P

In either case, would you be willing to make a version of that which is compatible with RP, MIB88? I doubt I'd be the only one that'd really dig that. :D
Recon Rover Rick said:
In either case, would you be willing to make a version of that which is compatible with RP, MIB88? I doubt I'd be the only one that'd really dig that. :D

Um... no. However, I had given some detailed instructions to Morticia a while back regarding making the Enhanced Miria mod compatible with the RP. I am pretty sure she posted those instructions somewhere. Anyway, by using those instructions on the Klint that I am making will allow anyone to use those files on any mod they want to add him to (or unmodded game, for that matter).