Regarding Fallout Weather, and that fallot feeling in the ai

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It seems that since it is snowing in FT:BOS the earth is healing itself better, snow means a coolinh of global temperature that should have been raised by the War, and its not Nuclear winter b/c its too long after the war. I know that FT is in b/w FO1 and FO2 but the weather there might be like that for a couple of reasons: I: Farther north than the other location, II: Was hit by less nukes during the war, III: Simply a different weather patteren.

Now back here in our reality, The feeling of Fallout is growing in the air, as winter approcahes its starting to feel more like fallout outside (IE it reminds me of Fallout, b/c thats when I played it) especially at night when it gets colder and that wonderful indescribable smell comes out (sort of like a barbeque smell only better). When late October rolls around Fallout gets played again and again and again and agian (if I have finished BG 2). Until then I will drool over it in its case in my house.
RE: Regarding Fallout Weather, and that fallot feeling in th

>It seems that since it is
>snowing in FT:BOS the earth
>is healing itself better, snow
>means a coolinh of global
>temperature that should have been
>raised by the War, and
>its not Nuclear winter b/c
>its too long after the
>war. I know that
>FT is in b/w FO1
>and FO2 but the weather
>there might be like that
>for a couple of reasons:
>I: Farther north than the
>other location, II: Was hit
>by less nukes during the
>war, III: Simply a
>different weather patteren.

In the area of California where Fallout 2 was based, it doesn't snow at all (maybe a bit going right up to the northern border). But where I live I've never had any snow.

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[a href="mailto:" style="font-family:arial;font-size: 9pt;color:#008DE6;text-decoration:underline;]Smackrazor[/a]

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RE: Regarding Fallout Weather, and that fallot feeling in th

>It seems that since it is
>snowing in FT:BOS the earth
>is healing itself better, snow
>means a coolinh of global
>temperature that should have been
>raised by the War, and
>its not Nuclear winter b/c
>its too long after the
>war. I know that
>FT is in b/w FO1
>and FO2 but the weather
>there might be like that
>for a couple of reasons:
>I: Farther north than the
>other location, II: Was hit
>by less nukes during the
>war, III: Simply a
>different weather patteren.

Actually a nuclear war wouldn't heat the Earth much, if any at all besides the relatively small area around the blast area of the nukes. Nearly all the heat the Earth receives comes from the Sun. The energy produced by every single nuclear weapon created past and future detonated at once would not even compare to the amount of energy the Earth receives in one second from the sun.

If anything the world would have returned relatively back to normal in only about twenty years after the war, with only skin cancer lingering around from all the nuclear water produced from bombs detonated over water. In fact that's the *real* reason for all the so-called global warming caused skin cancer. The nuclear tests in the Pacific during the 1950s/60s produced lots of radioactive hydrogen (tritium if I remember right, maybe deuterium) which can cause skin cancer. That's why the amount of incidents of skin cancer have actually *decreased* proportionally to the half-life of tritium.

The only reason there'd be a real climate change would be if the bombs were to disrupt the salt water flow in the Atlantic. Too much freshwater from melted icecaps could disrupt the flow of heat to the northern parts of the Atlantic from the warmer Caribbean waters and start a new Ice Age.

>Now back here in our reality,
> The feeling of Fallout
>is growing in the air,
>as winter approcahes its starting
>to feel more like fallout
>outside (IE it reminds me
>of Fallout, b/c thats when
>I played it) especially
>at night when it gets
>colder and that wonderful indescribable
>smell comes out (sort of
>like a barbeque smell only
>better). When late October
>rolls around Fallout gets played
>again and again and again
>and agian (if I have
>finished BG 2). Until
>then I will drool over
>it in its case in
>my house.

*Starts humming "It's beginning to feel a lot like Fallout" to the tune of "It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas"*


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try living in phoenix where its 105 degrees in september. my entire neighborhood lies in a desolite wasteland. when i drive down the 101 i feel like im traveling from vault 15 to new reno. this sucks.

Sober up, you are a Vault Dweller, not a pink fairy! Didn't all these years in wasteland teach you to:

1-Shoot first, sort out later.
2-Pull out biggest gun you have.
3-First shoot is most important one.
4-Get in your basement, pin pieces of foil to the windows and turn on fans.

[img align=center" src="//" name="nukebutton" onClick="document.images.nukebutton.src='//' ]
[input type=submit value=Click for Nod Ending music" onClick="window.location.href='//]
RE: Regarding Fallout Weather, and that fallot feeling in th

True, true, also The dust flung up into the air caused by a war of that scale would cause the less sun to filter into earth (among other things) there by cooling the earth and starting another Iceage that would probably kill the rest of humanity if it was noy for the Vaults. If ye wish to learn more of the Nuke Winter, read A Path Where no Man Thought by Caral Sagan, another book on the Bio effects of Nuke War is The Cold and the Dark, by Caral Sagan.

also if you see big people in High Tech Looking armor talking to some farmers DO NOT GET INVOLVED!!