Regarding the Powder Gang faction


First time out of the vault
Since Legion were the main antagonist faction, I always view them as 'tutorial evil group'. Other than providing quick caps, they have little to none effect on the main arc plot (Hoover Dam II). Boomer, BoS, Khan, Three Families and even Remnant are recruitable, but not them. How did you treat these petty group of convict?

1. Kill 'em all (Help Ringo, blow up Vault 19 and betray Eddie)
2. Befriend them (Help Cobb, unite them with Khans and stop NCR's attack on the NCRF).
3. Help them first, and after done with all their quest...kill 'em.

So, which one you've done?
I usually postponed the firts quest involving them and the Goodsprings inevitably so i can keep the Goodsprings people alive and still be on the good terms with Gangers. Then, after every possible quest except the Hoover Dam battle is complete, along with all the DLCs, and all the unique items, etc. have been colected, i reverse pickpocket great armor and weaponry on them, and use the prison as my private wasteland fort, a perfect safe haven for the birth of my RTS city.
I like the quests in the NCRCF, so I don't do the Goodsprings quests in the very beginning and instead do their prison quests first. Then I do the Goodsprings quest and kill them all. :>

I remember that in the unpatched version, you could do the Goodsprings quest and kill Eddie, etc. without getting too low reputation for the prison. This was changed in one of the later patches.
Generally, I kill the Goodsprings ones and the NCRCF ones, and I let the ones in Vault 19 hook up with the Khans. I'll probably do the jobs for Eddie and then betray him at the end in my next playthrough.
I usually avoid them all together. Except for the ghost town gunfight quest, which provides you some nice loot, I never bother with the powder gangers.
In my first playthrough, after the Sunny Smiles tutorial, I returned to the Prospector Saloon and overheard Joe Cobb's sour words with Trudy... this earned him 20 gauge to the back of the noggin while they were mid-conversation. After he was dead, like a fool, I took a liking to his Powder Ganger attire and sported it proudly as I pranced over to talk to Ringo about continuing the fight against the Powder Gangers. Needless to say he didn't fancy my outfit as much as I did and I had to put him down as well. Guilt over the death of Ringo lead me to the NCRCF where I murdered every Powder Ganger I could find.
I usually side with them so that I can doublecross them and give the NCRCF back to NCR
You don't get the opportunity to raid the prison with the NCR unless you start doing the Powder Ganger quests first. Some game designers didn't think that out well. Doing that will get you extra quest XP.

I've learned that when doing the Ghost Town Gunfight quest, siding with Goodsprings, if you fire a single shot during the fight you will become automatically "villified" by the Gangers and you won't be able to do their quests. The trick is to organize Goodsprings and let them do all the shooting. You can run around and offer yourself as a target, saving a few Goodsprings lives, but don't fire a shot yourself. The Gangers will lose and your Ganger rep will only go down to "shunned". Then you can enter the prison and follow that quest line until you get the chance to betray them and raid the place with troops backing you up.

After this, the Powder Gangers serve no other purpose in the game. They are tutoral quest bad guys that have their role in the game expanded a little bit. I wipe out the prison and just move on. There are bigger problems to deal with.
I think they should've done more with the NCRCF then just making it a base for the tutorial mobs. It's by far the coolest fort structure in Vegas and one of the visually prettiest ones.
I usually just stand on top of the nearby hill with a scoped rifle and use them for sniper practice.


Red Glare bombing it from there is pretty fun too
Farmerk said:
I usually just stand on top of the nearby hill with a scoped rifle and use them for sniper practice.


Red Glare bombing it from there is pretty fun too

It's peoples damnit. :cry: