Renaissance (Source Based FO Mod): Camera Poll


First time out of the vault
(I moved this post from here as it makes more sense to have a separate thread on this issue)

Hey Guys,

Me and my buddy Ain got in a bit of an argument the other day bout the game cam. (There is no game yet and we are already arguing)

Basically I say we stick to Fall's Iso cam with out the ability to move the cam around.
He says its beta to optionize it and let the player choose. So kindly put yer 2 cents in the jar so we can get a better picture of what the non-mutants think.

Choices are:

1. Isometric Fallout Style Camera (non adjustable)
2. 3rd person cam with adjustable Yaw (free rotation)
3. 3rd person cam with adjustable pitch, yaw and zoom (free cam all the way)

Obviously options 2 and 3 make the level design a bit more complicated to say the least.

Anyway let us know what you think and if you have any questions please post em here.

Maybe you should make a poll from this thread? ;)

Anyway, as long as this is not FP(S) shitty shit I don't care if the camera will be static, rotatable or zoomable... Just do what will be easiest to do/implement/design/whatever :wink:
:( how do you make polls ?

And Mr.Wolna don't worry we didn't get far yet :| . We figured the story and gameplay need to be nailed down first.
I was all for a quick and dirty start and then see how it feels but they pulled me down to earth...bastids.

So we are now trying to finalize the story and gameplay elements. Another thing we are hoping to get off the ground soon is a proper wiki website for the project. seems to have a few decent solutions and they ain't too expensive but if you guys know of any alternatives please let me know.

Let the nukes fall, save this thread and NMA :twisted:
First Ugly Screens

Hey Dudes,

For those of you who are interested me and my buddies have made a few screens.

Now don't expect to see any game environments or anything, these are just camera test.

It is not easy to get the 3rd person cam to work in Source due to engine complications and whatnot. There are problems with animation of the player's model and it will probably take me a week or so to get something decent done in that department so that we could put something on youtube.

Anyway you can find the screens here

Oh and btw we will use this google site until we get a proper wiki off the ground.

Check em out here here.

Let us know what you think.

PS: I know they are abysmal but i'll put together a small fallout looking map just because it so cool to see this thing actually working....well sort of anyway :)