While I was posting my latest message, my mind came across another topic that I personally have not seen posted. Forgive me if it has though.
I don't think that it would be good for Fallout 3 to take place another 80 years after the events of Fallout 2. It's just too...predictable and used up. And I don't really want to see if you could prevent the war by setting the time before Fallout 1. And Maybe Interplay could make the game start right where Fallout 2 left off, but It would again be involving the "Vault Dweller" theme. So...where does that leave us? Why, it leaves us at the same time as Fallouts 1 & 2 or thereabouts in between. So...hence in turn F3 could not take place in southern California. My idea for this would be to POSSIBLY, just possibly move the setting to the East Coast. Maybe to the north around Maryland, Jersey, NY, Mass., and the like.
So...that means:
Same Fallout time, different Fallout place.
I could concievably see this happaning as it might be to the liking of most gamers. That's just me. "That's just my opinion, folks. I could be wrong..." (Dennis Miller)
Please Reply if you have any insites on this idea...
The Magic Emporer
I don't think that it would be good for Fallout 3 to take place another 80 years after the events of Fallout 2. It's just too...predictable and used up. And I don't really want to see if you could prevent the war by setting the time before Fallout 1. And Maybe Interplay could make the game start right where Fallout 2 left off, but It would again be involving the "Vault Dweller" theme. So...where does that leave us? Why, it leaves us at the same time as Fallouts 1 & 2 or thereabouts in between. So...hence in turn F3 could not take place in southern California. My idea for this would be to POSSIBLY, just possibly move the setting to the East Coast. Maybe to the north around Maryland, Jersey, NY, Mass., and the like.
So...that means:
Same Fallout time, different Fallout place.
I could concievably see this happaning as it might be to the liking of most gamers. That's just me. "That's just my opinion, folks. I could be wrong..." (Dennis Miller)
Please Reply if you have any insites on this idea...
The Magic Emporer