repost of "I go apes for Fallout 3"Apr-22-00, 07:16 AM (GMT)

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Apr-22-00, 07:16 AM (GMT)
"I go ape for Fallout3"
Apes, keyword HERE people, Chimpanzees who were mutated, turned into super chic and savvy techno Chimps, and taking flight from zoos they created their own civilization in… Montana… “Damned dirty apes!!” Muhwahwahwa!!

[font color=#d1d1d1]I think an escaped band of chimpanzees from a zoo surviving a few hundred nuclear blasts and the subsequent fallout is just as likely as human beings surviving. They could be nuked just like the Ghouls and have become smarter than all humans. “Cyber-Chimps” could partly be made up of cybernetic parts, and use large weapons, attack travelers, loot their goods and capture them to enrich their human slave-labor hydroponics farm camps. Maybe their main camps would be located in Montana but during the game they are actively invading southern lands. They could be at direct war with the BOS over technology and land.
You could be the savior of human kind or savior of pongoid kind depending on whom you want to win.
I think it would be hella cool to be attacked by a bunch of green slimy apes dressed in parts of power armor and wielding assault rifles and laser weapons, yelling insults at you like “You moms was so dumb she couldn’t throw her own feces!” Just watching the BOS and a bunch of super intelligent tree swingers go at it would be awesome.
[font color=#FFFFFF]Ultimate Distributors of Mass Satire​
RE: repost of "I go apes for Fallout 3"Apr-22-00, 07:16 AM (

It will be 'cool', but it will be too bizarre for Fallout. It's already more than enough that we have talking Deathclaws, now apes?

[img align=center" src="//]

[font color=#FF0000]
No trash-talking, lower-case prone, ignorant, self-centered, 'in-your-face', 'i-am-always-right-so-you-can-suck-my-dick', 'shit-for-brains' idiots allowed.

'“Cyber-Chimps” could partly be made up of cybernetic parts, and use large weapons, attack travelers, loot their goods and capture them... green slimy apes dressed in parts of power armor and wielding assault rifles and laser weapons'

Seems too similar to supermutants.

RE: repost of "I go apes for Fallout 3"Apr-22-00, 07:16 AM (

[font color=#ff0000]Think about what you just said! Ask yourself "What would be more likely?" a gecko transformed 50 times its size and made super intelligent or a chimpanzee with a few nuerons crossed in his (yes "His" Chimpanzees have atleast the mental capacity of a 4 year old) mind that in effect make him that much smarter. I think that more likely comparisons would be the aliens, Mutants, or even Ghouls. Shit, your argumant is absolutely dismal and its a shawdy attempt of debunking my idea.
[font color=#00d1d1]Hey Rosh! Is this any better?​
RE: Er...

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Feb-10-01 AT 05:55PM (GMT)[p][font color=#d1d1d1]Yeah and the Supermutants were excellent enemies! But they are no longer enemies and they were pretty much isolated(if I am not mistaken) to the mid-California region. I'm talkin' Montana here.
If you ever been there you would know that it has huge mountain passes and valleys as far as the eye can see. Great place for an RPG with plenty of varied terrain.
RE: repost of "I go apes for Fallout 3"Apr-22-00, 07:16 AM (

Well of course apes are more likely to be intelligent, but IMHO talking apes are too bizzare. Convince me that I'm wrong.

[img align=center" src="//]

[font color=#FF0000]
No trash-talking, lower-case prone, ignorant, self-centered, 'in-your-face', 'i-am-always-right-so-you-can-suck-my-dick', 'shit-for-brains' idiots allowed.
RE: repost of "I go apes for Fallout 3"Apr-22-00, 07:16 AM (

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Feb-11-01 AT 08:49AM (GMT)[p]I would like to see more and different enemies in FO3 but, and correct me if i am wrong, apes or not indiginous to the US. I would think that it would be more likely and plausible that other types of animals who are indiginous to the US have mutated and form the new enemy. Be they intelligent or not.


Nunc ut nunquam
RE: repost of "I go apes for Fallout 3"Apr-22-00, 07:16 AM (

I saw that you said they escaped from zoos but still that would make their numbers small and they would probably been hunted and eaten by other animals and maybe even humans (food is scarce you know). That would also mean that, to have this work, IMHO, they had to be captured and had been mutated by another group. Sounds to much enclavish to me.


Nunc ut nunquam
RE: repost of "I go apes for Fallout 3"Apr-22-00, 07:16 AM (

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Feb-13-01 AT 04:21PM (GMT)[p]>I saw that you said they
>escaped from zoos but still
>that would make their numbers
>small and they would probably
>been hunted and eaten by
>other animals and maybe even
>humans (food is scarce you

[font color=#d1d1d1]Could've happened to the Chosen One's tribe as well, but it didn't. Besides they were super intelligent the second they left thier cages. quite possibly getting hold of thier first weapons from the zoo's storage facility.

>That would also mean
>that, to have this work,
>IMHO, they had to be
>captured and had been mutated
>by another group. Sounds to
>much enclavish to me.

[font color=#d1d1d1]No, I said in my first post that the Cyber-Chimps would be mutated by the initial nuclear fallout and were endowed with intelligence. THEY make thier OWN gear and cybernetic parts to replace the parts that fall off.
On another note, they might also propagate using advanced genetic sciences and the wombs of Human women... euuuugh!! Damn dirty apes!!!