Request for help- Fallout 2 on Crossover Mac


First time out of the vault
Hi all,

I already emailed Killap since he seems to be the Fallout 2 Don, but I figured I'd post here too in case anyone else can shed some light.

I'm experiencing the slow running speed and laggy mouse that everyone seems to talk about. I've been scouring the internet all day for solutions- I've even tried rolling Crossover back to v.8 but no joy (I'm running v.9.0.0). My current install of the game is completely fresh and in a win 2k bottle.

I installed the RP (v.2.1.2) with no issues and ran Fallout 2.exe... mega-lag. One user on the codeweavers forum suggests adding 'ddraw.dll' (set to native, builtin) to the libraries in wineconfig. Still no luck.

I lastly wondered if perhaps my machine would prefer a lower resolution, so I set about changing that. I took a look at Killap's readme but, curiously, I see no 'SCRN' button at the top of the screen in the options.

Version on Fallout 2 menu reads:
'Fallout II RP 2.1.2
SFALL 2.12a win2k'

I'm running a MacBook 2008, basic spec, on Snow Leopard if that helps.

If anyone can help I'll be eternally grateful.

This may be overkill (or more easy with virtual machines) but I would just make a 5 gig partition, format to NTFS and install win Xp sp2 or sp3 on it (assuming there are xp drivers for all your motherboard, chipset, sound card, etc)
Thanks for the idea Agris, but I don't own a copy of Windows... So yeah, paying out for XP just to play Fallout 2, while tempting, may be a little extreme!

Has anyone had different experience with the or Steam versions of Fallout 2? Perhaps my dusty old copy is just a bit stiff in the knees...
Benzaiten said:
Thanks for the idea Agris, but I don't own a copy of Windows... So yeah, paying out for XP just to play Fallout 2, while tempting, may be a little extreme!

Has anyone had different experience with the or Steam versions of Fallout 2? Perhaps my dusty old copy is just a bit stiff in the knees...

Fallout 2 on Steam? Hm, i guess i missed something.

How about installing a distribution of Linux and running Fallout on Wine?
Not a bad idea, Alvarez. Thanks. Crossover is a Wine frontend for Mac, but Linux might make a difference. Does seem a little extreme to install a whole new OS but boy do I want some Fallout 2!
Glad i could help.

As far for distrubution choice, i have had good experiences with Ubuntu.