request for simple mod.


First time out of the vault
Hey I have a request just for a really simple mod or even if someone could tell me how to do it!

Basically I just want to make it so you can't steal from the shops in San Fransisco and other ones in the game that keep re spawning things.

I know many people have different opinions but I feel like its an unlimited money/item cheat and would prefer not to have it in my game! As well as friends who I tell about the game want them to play through and experience it without finding this cheat.

If someone can tell me how to go in and change it so the money just isn't there to steal that would be great.

The shops in San Fransisco are the main ones both of them re spawn unlimited money and you can buy all best items then just steal back the money.

Also the scientist with power armor and Joey in The Den who spawns unlimited jet to buy but you just keep taking your money back.

Can someone tell me how to disable this or make a easy mod to do so? I know like nothing about doing this stuff but could probably figure out something really easy.


I tried searching this forum very thoroughly but found no existing mods about this. All I found was arguements over the issue which i'm not interested in.

Oh and I am using the unofficial patch by Killap. If this mod could be integrated into this like an option to download seperately would be nice. Whether you want to play with or without this in your game.
You can build this yourself fairly easily. First, you need to get yourself a program that will decompile and recompile scripts (those .int files... there are a couple available in the tools section).

Next, identify the scripts that you want to modify. You can do this by getting the mapper and opening a map to see what script is attached to a certain critter. You could also figure out the scripts you need to alter by looking in the data/scripts folder and opening the scripts.lst file (with some program like notepad) and reading the descriptions. (Actually, there are a lot... better to use a key word search for 'merchant'.)

Next, alter the scripts. Basically, you would just have to add a line that says if the player uses the steal skill on the critter (i.e. the merchant), just stop the procedure. Find the use_skill_on procedure and add something like this:

procedure use_skill_on_p_proc
  if (op_action_being_used() == 10) then
    op_display_msg(op_message_str(xxx, yyy));

A few notes:
-Don't get too caught up on how it looks above. Different decompilers/compilers use a slightly different language than others. This is just what mine looks like. Just compare the formats.
-Action being used 10 is code for using the steal skill.
-If you want to add some text to this feature to appear in the box, such as "There is no way you can steal from this merchant and not get caught... or killed", use the display msg line. You will have to modify the critter's text file, too (also with notepad). XXX refers to the line number of that critter as it appears in scripts.lst. YYY refers to the dialog line. Again, if you take apart a script, you will be able to see the format and can compare this. If you do not want this feature, just remove the whole line (op_display_msg(op_message_str(xxx, yyy));.

Next, recompile the scripts.

Finally, place your altered scripts back into the data/scripts folder where you took the originals from.

And, yes: As long as you took the files you intended from the game that is already using Killap's Patch/Restoration, then you can make these changes and still use the Patch/Restoration without any problems.

Good luck.
I think Killap tried changing this once before and there was a chorus of protest, so he changed it back (if I remember correctly). I'm not sure if there are many people that want such a mod, so most modders would not spend the time it would take to create it. After all, this is a game that is designed to be played many ways. Some players get through it by shooting everything in sight. Others sneak and steal their way across the wasteland. Most other players will probably tell you something like, "If you don't like the idea of stealing, don't steal."

But, we'll see if any modders are interested. Or, follow MIB88's advice and try to change it yourself. Good luck!