Resizing Animated GIFs


Vault Senior Citizen
It has been noted that the FoT people are bigger than FO:


Wild_qwerty mentioned that he couldn't find a command line tool that would resize animated GIFs to fix this kind of problem. Well it looks like the free Image Magick can do this (windows binaries here). I found a page describing how to do this:

convert big.gif -coalesce coalesce.gif
convert -size 200x100 coalesce.gif -resize 200x10 small.gif

So I tried this on the huge behemoth:


The animation seems to slow down, but at least its resizing.
I suspose I could try and put together a tool to fix the FOT critters, but I dont have much free time at the moment
dude_obj said:

AWWWWWWWWww... Cute!

Can't someone put that baby Behemoth in the game?

It looks just so cute and wuvly.

Maybe put a pink ribbon on its head and put it into the game as some kind of failed Enclave experiment? =P
Could you do the opposite and make some of the original art bigger, or would you lose too much quality? Some ants the size of the Behemoth, Them! anyone?
Can someone point me at the original GIF for the Behemeth? I want to look at the frames for it.

Sorry if I'm missing the obvious about where it is. I've had a rough night and I'm tired. Thanks. - Colt
well there's two ways of getting the GIF.

1) Use Spr2Gif on the Behemoth.spr file from Fallout Tactics

2) Download the Behemoth FRM from the files section here at NMA and then use Frm2Gif to convert it