Restoration Project Installation Guide?


First time out of the vault
Hey all,

Not my first post or time around here, despite what the post count says. Unfortunately, I have an irretrievable password. Not the point. Anyway, I've been off the greatest game ever made for a while, and I've upgraded my system and missed a few patches. I installed the other night and did the HD patch and tried to get the RP patch, too, but I am still running into some glitches (rainbow screens, multi-image movies, etc). So, I'm wondering. For us re-newbies, can anyone tell me the best way to go, step by step, from putting the disc in the comp and going from HUMONGOUS installation to the Restoration project?

As a note - I'm running windows 7, 64bit. Any help is appreciated, flames will be taken gracefully.

Thanks, all!
For archival purposes, here again are the steps needed to get the RP working. It's quite simple really.

1. Install the game - (humongous install)
2. Install the RP - (installer version) If you are running Vista/7, do not install to the program files directory. Install somewhere else.
3. That's it. Enjoy the game.

If you are running into graphic glitches, then enable graphics mode 4 in ddraw.ini. This file is found in your main Fallout 2 directory.
Killap, you = the man. I hate overcomplicating things! I appreciate it. 2 quick questions, so I don't hog up the board with another thread -

1) is there a way to make the HD patch work with RP?

2) Will traditional walthroughs/trainers work for the RP (with the obvious exception of the new content areas)? Edit - scratch the walkthrough part of this question, found the amended RP walkthrough. Edit v2 - Scratch the trainer part as well, my search fu is strong.
XeroJaeger said:
1) is there a way to make the HD patch work with RP?
What's the HD patch?

XeroJaeger said:
2) Will traditional walthroughs/trainers work for the RP (with the obvious exception of the new content areas)? Edit - scratch the walkthrough part of this question, found the amended RP walkthrough. Edit v2 - Scratch the trainer part as well, my search fu is strong.
Again for archival purposes, here is the info for future searches.

RP compatible save game editor
RP walkthrough
If I'm not mistaken, the HD patch/mod is automatically installed with the RP, since in order for some maps to work it's required.

I could be wrong though :P
XeroJaeger said:
Sorry, I guess it's not a patch, but it's the high definition mod for windows 7..I think..
If you by HD you mean the resolution patch, then that already comes with the RP installer (like Nostalgia said).