Restricted Area Character Bio


Venerable Relic of the Wastes
IGN has a character bio from the upcoming ( at least to none-German audiences) German action-RPG Restricted Area. It's rather short, emphasizing the point that the character featured, Johnson, is a no-nonsense warrior.<blockquote>Backstory

Johnson was a member of the Global Government Special Forces, a unit created to oversee the government's control over the companies. As the political influence of the companies grew, the Special Forces were dissolved, leaving Johnson without a job. Through his previous work, Johnson has made a number of enemies, making his job prospects slim. Instead of working for a former enemy, Johnson has become a thug for hire; doing small jobs like stealing prototypes of new Cyberware while assassinating important individuals.


Johnson is a hitman for hire but don't expect him to be the strong, silent type. Subtlety isn't a word in his dictionary. He prefers to wield lumbering weapons that his enemies can see from a mile awhile. No worry though, they'll be dead a split second later.</blockquote>So the rather typical warrior type, with guns.

Link: Restricted Area Character Bio at IGN.
Spotted at RPGDot.
Sigh. They should save players this crap. Now this game look even dumber ... if it's even possible.
. . . let's see when the game reach point when its sale will be based on on nudity and vulgarity >.<
Hetman? Is Johnson a Cossack by any chance?

EDIT: "Nie wiesz waćpan, coś uczynił - jam Johnson Chmielnicki!" :D
Don't ask me where in the name of creation that spelling error came from. It was directly taken from the IGN article, so it's a bit strange. Either somehow I introduced "hetman" or IGN had that spelling mistake originally and has since corrected it.
Just plain FORGET about this game - i'm from germany, so you can guess that i've had the ability to try that game out already.

It's not worth being mentioned on nma at all, it's so repetitive that it and unatmospheric that it just hurts. And it has nothing more in common with a "post apoc" scenario then the awfully designed "walking pile of meat"s that they call "mutants", which you kill about 20 million times in one hour of gameplay.
Damn. A gun wielding Cossack would be so much more fun... With the moustaches and all.