Retro Gaming: Your Thoughts?


First time out of the vault
Hello there!

I’m a student from Staffordshire University in his final year of study. I’m doing my final year project on retro games and how much they impact games of today. I’d like to know what you guys think about retro games.

Feel free to talk about anything retro, like why you like retro to your favourite retro game. Talk about modern games as well if you want. It will all help!

Thanks in advance for the help! :D
Thoughts on retro games?

People were actually enthusiastic about making a new, fun experience. They wanted to make a game they'd play themselves. Share it with other people.

Now? The talent's butchered. CEOs and the market department want to have the game out as soon as possible. They don't even allow employees to express their creativity to the max. Always comes down to what the market wants. No innovation, same old crap rewinded.
Money corrupted gaming I think, along the lines of what Sub-Human is saying. Anyway, retro is back baby. Indy games and online game selling really kicked it off. Fuck the CEOs and make the game you want like back in the day. You know this if you have been follwing gaming news, reading different developer thoughts and interviews. It's not just Wasteland and DoubleFine. Retro is going AAA. Hopefully this means deeper, more consuming games like we used to get, and the trend of dumbing down and hand holding finally goes away.
Retro games had to rely on something other than awesome eye-candy, so it is nice to think of the two extremes finally melding together so well.
I'm too spoiled by the fast pace and graphics of newer games, and by the good writing and intelligent design of older games.

I can't get satisfied with most games. :|
I think with every decade since the 1970s there is generation that feels left would have been the lovers of text adventures with the development of graphics - the fans of adventure/text games with the development of the mouse and cursor (point and click) - FPS would have felt like the nail in the coffin for adventure games, polygons to the fans of pixels, etc. I don't know, it depends on what generation you belong to, some people transverse many game types, while others struggle with what they don't understand. :?
I hate the fact that the games I played when I was young are now called "retro". Makes me feel OLD.
A human generation = 25 years...A game generation = 5 or less years, there's probably a few people around here that started playing games in the 1970's, that's almost 8 'game' generations ago.
