[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Mar-09-01 AT 01:07AM (GMT)[p]OOC-
Forgive me for using a storyline format and taking liberties with your characters, guys. I promise...I won't do it again, unless there is some VERY important plot point to be introduced.
The mountain shook and screamed as fire engulfed its insides. It rumbled and shook, and several goodly-sized explosions punctured its sides. It groaned, and collapsed down upon itself, hiding its death in a curtain of dust and mist.
Bhepin coughed and looked out at the clear blue sky. "We're alive!", he exclaimed, disbelieving. It was, quite simply, a long shot, the hardest battle he had ever fought, and he hadn't expected to live through it.
Louis spat out a mouthful of dirt and took Dutch's helping hand. It was by sheer luck that they had escaped, what with the ill-timed raid and the vast outnumbering that they had faced. Still, they had survived, a miracle, and they felt a keener sense of appreciation towards life because of this.
Ravehead, and his troop of Red Star Mercenaries..they gave a whoop and clambered down the rocky downslope, like little children enjoying the weekend before formal classes would start.
Bpen couldn't help but to grin at the sun, how good it felt to have it on above them, instead of cold teal walls, and the promise of Death around the corner.
He still hadn't learned, that in the Wasteland, Death always lurks, either behind the next corner, or under the shadows you stand....
From the rubble, the cloud of dust, someone stirred , and peeked at them from a behind a rock, eyes glinting with malevolence.
They padded down sand dunes, and spat out grit from their teeth. From above the horizon, they saw the massive white walls of Harmony Grounds.
While they wanted to rush towards it, their tired muscles rebelled against such an action.
It was with a sheer amount of pluck, luck, and a horrendous amount of timed explosives that they had managed to get out with their hides more-or-less intact.
Bpen patted the lump in his pocket. They had scrounged around and had found the mother lode, the piled amounts of Slaver Treasure. This was blood money, born of the tears and suffering of honest people, and they had no compunction about dividing it among themselves. The dead have no need of chips, and the slaves were sold, and were far away..
Bpen suspected they would have a ruddy jolly night around town when they got back. It would be nice to have a good shot of Mensahattan (Rotgut mixed with Mentats. It has a hell of a kick, with little hangover.) being mixed in his hands, and coursing through his veins.
However, their troubles had just began.
A colum of smoke drifted high above the Walled town of Harmony, and even from afar, they could see tell-tale flashes of close-quarter explosive projectiles crumbling down the buildings of what had been a half-peaceful town.
They ran down the slopes, burdened with worry and spoils of war, and rushed heavily towards the burning City.
The Gates were closed, showing no sign of a forced entry. Louis remarked that it was locked from the inside, and the troubles were obviously from within. He tried lockpicking it, to no success. Instead, Scorch and Bpen piled upon the door oodles of Plasma greandes and dynamites, which they then ignited with concentrated shots from their pistols.
The Gates fell open, and they hoped thay wouldn't be charged for that. They entered into a scene of utter chaos, of black-hooded, gas-masked people fighting with furious men in Tesla Armor. From their vantage point, it seemed to be an even fight, the Dominion's Laser Weaponry bouncing harmlessly off their Tesla Coils, and the Guild's "Quantity over Quality" mode of thinking, I.e..a helluva lot of miniguns and burst weapons, were imeffective by the Dominion's Ballistic-force absorbing Armor.
Bpen slid an Energy Cell into his Blaster, and gritted his teeth as the pistol let out a shallow whine of Charging Up.
Something in the air told them all that this may make their Slaver Disaster look like a one-on-one with a Silver Gecko.....
One child, a little girl, had been to amazed by the spectacle, of two forces trying to kill each other, that she had stayed on...in the battlefield.
A stray shell, a rocket payload, veered away from the scene and shot across the pizza, and slammed into the adobe building she was standing against. Her eyes widened in the deavstation, first in wonder, then in fright as the wall began to crumble above her.
"Eeeeeeeeeeeee!!!", the little girl screamed.
Scorch ran, followed by the others, knowing that he would be too late. At mid-stride, he shut his eyes, so he wouldn't see her grusome death, crushed under layers of ton-weight adobe.
And as such, he didn't see a black blur streak out, and grab the child before the looming death claimed her.
The rescuer stopped, a few feet from the collapsed building, and the girl whipered in fright at the sinister face, a black gas mask, mark of the Dominion.
"Hush, now..there is nothing to fear...", the Dominion man said in a soothing tone. The girl, already shocked by her experience sobbed once more, the fell limp, blessedly asleep.
The Dominion man cradled the girl in his arms and Glared at the warring populace. The expresiion underneath the mask was unreadable, but one could almost feel the anger flowing out and into the air.
"ENOUGH!", he shouted in a boomin, powerful voice."THIS FARCE SHALL NOT CONTINUE!"
The combatants turned to face him.
"It is him!!", a Dominion one cried. "It is! It is!"
"It is AZUHURA! "
"The Wise Lord lives!!"
All Dominion lay down their ams and knelt to bow at their long-lost leader. He stood impassively as their chanted words of praise, while the Guild milled around, confused.
"Who the hell is that?", one asked.
"That's Azuhura..the high-muckety-muck of the Dominion."
"Isn't he supposed to be dead?"
"I don't know... he should be."
The Dominion continued to chant, the Guild became more and more disoriented. Finally, one young Guildsman, flustered and befuddled, took a potshot at Azuhura.
His aim was true, and a .45 caliber bullet bounced off Azuhura's headpiece. He went down, cradling and bending protectively around the child even as he did so.
The Dominion looked in shock for a moment, staring at their fallen leader. Them suddenly, the somberly stood, all in unison, an the air grew chraged with tension.They turned sharply towards the Guild, and they could feel hostile gazes from under the unemotional amber lenses od the masks.
All at once, the Dominion reched into their steel-thread jackets and drew strange, gleaming longknives. "_WE_ FEAR _NOT_ DEATH, NOR THREACHERY, FOR WE WALK THE PATH TO _RIGHTEOUSNESS_!!", they yelled their battle-cry, and gave charge.
The Guild, taken aback, yelled "OH, SHIT!", and scattered. The Dominion would have pursued, had not a familiar, powerful voice said, "*HOLD*."
Azuhura stood up, and raised his hand. "There wil be no bloodshed this day. There are things we must discuss, my Brethren." The Dominion nodded and hid their wepons. And soon, the Dominion, too....vanished.
We are all left in an empty piazza, with the wind blowing, whistling a macabre tune.....
Okay..time for the plot. I still don't know what Fang has planned...I'm just waiting for him to post. Until such time, here's a few minor side-quests.
1. Someone, please, go to the Parthenon and wait there for a while. Just go there...and wait. Talk to the guard, to Madam Cancer( make sure you have something she would be interested in. Hey, she's a very important..and ruthless ..and drool-inducing person. *grin*
Argh. I treat my NPC's too much like real people sometimes..sorry.)
Just make sure that you stand around, and someone will come by a few moments later.
Hehe..a simple quest..but it requires use of imagination..
2. The guy at the Mechanist's Haven..he's building a GuardMech, like the kind we fought at the Slaver camp. Unfortunately, while he's a good machinist, he's nildo at AI programming. So, predictably, the 'bot goes berserk.
3. Hat, the old miner downtown, has an adopted son. He's gone missing. He'll reward you handsomely if you find him. Problem is...his adopted son is a super-mutant.
4. The Mayor wants to thank us..and he wants to hire us for actual Policemen. He distrusts the Red Star, and anyone not directly under his payroll..and will pay us good. Now, someone has to investigate a series of random animal mutilations. Someone's been butchering people's pets and leaving their entrails by the door. I highly beg that you make your own NPC to blame. But don't make it too easy. RP realistically..follow a false lead now and then. Simple, eh?
Of course, it turns out that it's a front...to another dastardly doing. The Society of Thives....nope, they're not on the map. If you were a hunted thief...would you stay in one place?
5. We still have to find out how come the Slavers have such high-tech weaponry.
6. And of course, the most important..rescue Jake.
To come:
The Blood-Red Assassin
The Hands of Fate
Hope I don't stray too far from your main plot, Fang. Just trying to add a little bit of intrigue, say.
Check it out! It's a friggin' Harmony Ad!!
made weed on hundrid perseen puree MsPaint.
*Pads out the door, trying to avoid gauss-propelled Nerf bricks.*
~cause anything less than total and utter overkill is a complete waste of time~
-it's the freakin' bluepencil!
Forgive me for using a storyline format and taking liberties with your characters, guys. I promise...I won't do it again, unless there is some VERY important plot point to be introduced.
The mountain shook and screamed as fire engulfed its insides. It rumbled and shook, and several goodly-sized explosions punctured its sides. It groaned, and collapsed down upon itself, hiding its death in a curtain of dust and mist.
Bhepin coughed and looked out at the clear blue sky. "We're alive!", he exclaimed, disbelieving. It was, quite simply, a long shot, the hardest battle he had ever fought, and he hadn't expected to live through it.
Louis spat out a mouthful of dirt and took Dutch's helping hand. It was by sheer luck that they had escaped, what with the ill-timed raid and the vast outnumbering that they had faced. Still, they had survived, a miracle, and they felt a keener sense of appreciation towards life because of this.
Ravehead, and his troop of Red Star Mercenaries..they gave a whoop and clambered down the rocky downslope, like little children enjoying the weekend before formal classes would start.
Bpen couldn't help but to grin at the sun, how good it felt to have it on above them, instead of cold teal walls, and the promise of Death around the corner.
He still hadn't learned, that in the Wasteland, Death always lurks, either behind the next corner, or under the shadows you stand....
From the rubble, the cloud of dust, someone stirred , and peeked at them from a behind a rock, eyes glinting with malevolence.
They padded down sand dunes, and spat out grit from their teeth. From above the horizon, they saw the massive white walls of Harmony Grounds.
While they wanted to rush towards it, their tired muscles rebelled against such an action.
It was with a sheer amount of pluck, luck, and a horrendous amount of timed explosives that they had managed to get out with their hides more-or-less intact.
Bpen patted the lump in his pocket. They had scrounged around and had found the mother lode, the piled amounts of Slaver Treasure. This was blood money, born of the tears and suffering of honest people, and they had no compunction about dividing it among themselves. The dead have no need of chips, and the slaves were sold, and were far away..
Bpen suspected they would have a ruddy jolly night around town when they got back. It would be nice to have a good shot of Mensahattan (Rotgut mixed with Mentats. It has a hell of a kick, with little hangover.) being mixed in his hands, and coursing through his veins.
However, their troubles had just began.
A colum of smoke drifted high above the Walled town of Harmony, and even from afar, they could see tell-tale flashes of close-quarter explosive projectiles crumbling down the buildings of what had been a half-peaceful town.
They ran down the slopes, burdened with worry and spoils of war, and rushed heavily towards the burning City.
The Gates were closed, showing no sign of a forced entry. Louis remarked that it was locked from the inside, and the troubles were obviously from within. He tried lockpicking it, to no success. Instead, Scorch and Bpen piled upon the door oodles of Plasma greandes and dynamites, which they then ignited with concentrated shots from their pistols.
The Gates fell open, and they hoped thay wouldn't be charged for that. They entered into a scene of utter chaos, of black-hooded, gas-masked people fighting with furious men in Tesla Armor. From their vantage point, it seemed to be an even fight, the Dominion's Laser Weaponry bouncing harmlessly off their Tesla Coils, and the Guild's "Quantity over Quality" mode of thinking, I.e..a helluva lot of miniguns and burst weapons, were imeffective by the Dominion's Ballistic-force absorbing Armor.
Bpen slid an Energy Cell into his Blaster, and gritted his teeth as the pistol let out a shallow whine of Charging Up.
Something in the air told them all that this may make their Slaver Disaster look like a one-on-one with a Silver Gecko.....
One child, a little girl, had been to amazed by the spectacle, of two forces trying to kill each other, that she had stayed on...in the battlefield.
A stray shell, a rocket payload, veered away from the scene and shot across the pizza, and slammed into the adobe building she was standing against. Her eyes widened in the deavstation, first in wonder, then in fright as the wall began to crumble above her.
"Eeeeeeeeeeeee!!!", the little girl screamed.
Scorch ran, followed by the others, knowing that he would be too late. At mid-stride, he shut his eyes, so he wouldn't see her grusome death, crushed under layers of ton-weight adobe.
And as such, he didn't see a black blur streak out, and grab the child before the looming death claimed her.
The rescuer stopped, a few feet from the collapsed building, and the girl whipered in fright at the sinister face, a black gas mask, mark of the Dominion.
"Hush, now..there is nothing to fear...", the Dominion man said in a soothing tone. The girl, already shocked by her experience sobbed once more, the fell limp, blessedly asleep.
The Dominion man cradled the girl in his arms and Glared at the warring populace. The expresiion underneath the mask was unreadable, but one could almost feel the anger flowing out and into the air.
"ENOUGH!", he shouted in a boomin, powerful voice."THIS FARCE SHALL NOT CONTINUE!"
The combatants turned to face him.
"It is him!!", a Dominion one cried. "It is! It is!"
"It is AZUHURA! "
"The Wise Lord lives!!"
All Dominion lay down their ams and knelt to bow at their long-lost leader. He stood impassively as their chanted words of praise, while the Guild milled around, confused.
"Who the hell is that?", one asked.
"That's Azuhura..the high-muckety-muck of the Dominion."
"Isn't he supposed to be dead?"
"I don't know... he should be."
The Dominion continued to chant, the Guild became more and more disoriented. Finally, one young Guildsman, flustered and befuddled, took a potshot at Azuhura.
His aim was true, and a .45 caliber bullet bounced off Azuhura's headpiece. He went down, cradling and bending protectively around the child even as he did so.
The Dominion looked in shock for a moment, staring at their fallen leader. Them suddenly, the somberly stood, all in unison, an the air grew chraged with tension.They turned sharply towards the Guild, and they could feel hostile gazes from under the unemotional amber lenses od the masks.
All at once, the Dominion reched into their steel-thread jackets and drew strange, gleaming longknives. "_WE_ FEAR _NOT_ DEATH, NOR THREACHERY, FOR WE WALK THE PATH TO _RIGHTEOUSNESS_!!", they yelled their battle-cry, and gave charge.
The Guild, taken aback, yelled "OH, SHIT!", and scattered. The Dominion would have pursued, had not a familiar, powerful voice said, "*HOLD*."
Azuhura stood up, and raised his hand. "There wil be no bloodshed this day. There are things we must discuss, my Brethren." The Dominion nodded and hid their wepons. And soon, the Dominion, too....vanished.
We are all left in an empty piazza, with the wind blowing, whistling a macabre tune.....
Okay..time for the plot. I still don't know what Fang has planned...I'm just waiting for him to post. Until such time, here's a few minor side-quests.
1. Someone, please, go to the Parthenon and wait there for a while. Just go there...and wait. Talk to the guard, to Madam Cancer( make sure you have something she would be interested in. Hey, she's a very important..and ruthless ..and drool-inducing person. *grin*
Argh. I treat my NPC's too much like real people sometimes..sorry.)
Just make sure that you stand around, and someone will come by a few moments later.
Hehe..a simple quest..but it requires use of imagination..
2. The guy at the Mechanist's Haven..he's building a GuardMech, like the kind we fought at the Slaver camp. Unfortunately, while he's a good machinist, he's nildo at AI programming. So, predictably, the 'bot goes berserk.
3. Hat, the old miner downtown, has an adopted son. He's gone missing. He'll reward you handsomely if you find him. Problem is...his adopted son is a super-mutant.
4. The Mayor wants to thank us..and he wants to hire us for actual Policemen. He distrusts the Red Star, and anyone not directly under his payroll..and will pay us good. Now, someone has to investigate a series of random animal mutilations. Someone's been butchering people's pets and leaving their entrails by the door. I highly beg that you make your own NPC to blame. But don't make it too easy. RP realistically..follow a false lead now and then. Simple, eh?
Of course, it turns out that it's a front...to another dastardly doing. The Society of Thives....nope, they're not on the map. If you were a hunted thief...would you stay in one place?
5. We still have to find out how come the Slavers have such high-tech weaponry.
6. And of course, the most important..rescue Jake.
To come:
The Blood-Red Assassin
The Hands of Fate
Hope I don't stray too far from your main plot, Fang. Just trying to add a little bit of intrigue, say.
Check it out! It's a friggin' Harmony Ad!!
made weed on hundrid perseen puree MsPaint.
*Pads out the door, trying to avoid gauss-propelled Nerf bricks.*
~cause anything less than total and utter overkill is a complete waste of time~

-it's the freakin' bluepencil!