Returning to the car

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[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Sep-16-00 AT 09:44AM (GMT)[p]With the Katana Sword slung on his back, and the Gauss Rifle in his hands, Kane returns to his car.
As the car comes into sight, several figures can be seen milling about near it. Immediately Kane slows down to a crouched walk, bringing his new Gauss rifle into a battle-ready position. He suddenly remembers his limited supply of Gauss ammo, holsters the weapon on his back and draws his shiny Katana sword from it's black Japanese-looking sheath.
He sneaks up to a pile of rocks 5 metres from the car, and even in the dark, he can determine that 4 figures in combat leather jackets are trying to break into his car.
Kane motions to his dog to stay where he is and prepares to attack with the sword. He can hear the thieves talking. They are only in their early thirties.

"It's locked!"

"Then get the damn lockpicks!"

"I don't have them, Steve does!"

"No I don't! I gave them to you!"

"You did not, you liar!"

"Well, sombody's gotta have 'em-"

"Hey what the fuck--"

Kane leaps forward, striking the closest thief on the top of his head with the Katana and embedding it deep into his skull. Kane heaves the sword out of the robber's head and makes a full turn, dancing towards the next man. As he comes out of the turn, he swings the sword into the the thief's stomach, spilling his intestines onto the dusty ground.
The next man raises a Desert Eagle .44, Kane swings the Katana high above his head and brings it down heavily, severing the hand at the wrist. As the gun falls to the ground, the young guy screams in pain and drops to his knees, clutching his arm which is gushing blood all over his leather jacket.
The last unfortunate thief stands there shaking until Kane turns to him, with a dark look on his face, his trenchcoat splattered with blood and his katana sword dripping with it.

The man, in his mid-thirties, draws a combat knife and points it at Kane, still shaking like a leaf.

"I-I'll use this! "I w-will!"

The man takes his widened eyes off Kane for a split-second to look at the opened bodies of his friends, and poor Steve still lying there holding his severed arm and sobbing quietly.
Kane takes the chance and dashes forward, knocking the knife from the man's hand.
Kane grabs him by the shoulders and throws him to the ground, kicking the knife away.
Putting his foot on the young man's chest, Kane lowers the the sword to just above the guy's throat.
Then Kane sees the tattoo of a Cobra's head with the words "COBRAS" underneath, on the man's right forearm.

"The 'Cobras'?" Says Kane.
"Are you some kind of gang?"

"Like I'd t-tell you." Says the man.

Kane presses the sword into his throat, drawing blood.

"OK, OK!!, I'll tell you-ou! I'll tell you! We're a gang, ok!. We only just joined so we just follow orders. Our leaders are planning something. I don't know what it is. We were just sent out to find someone in a black trenchcoat because he took out one of our caravans. One of our food caravans. We followed you and when you left, we thought we'd steal your car. We didn't think you'd be smart enough to catch us."

"Where's your base?"


Kane presses harder.

"ok..ok... Our m-main base is just outside Modoc. Between Modoc and New Reno. But I won't tell you any more!"

"Well, punk. When you get to hell, tell 'em Kane sent you!"

"N-No--" !!

Kane lifts the sword up and decapitates the punk with on swipe.
He does the same to "Steve", who's still lying on the ground.
Kane walks over to the car and finds that those Cobra Punks have destroyed the Fuel Cell Controller. He would have to find another one.
Calling his dog Thor over to him, he grabs one of the Leather Jackets and holds it up.
It has an image of a cobra etched onto it in dark yellow.

Kane booby-traps the area 7 meters around the car. And grabs what he can carry from the car trunk.

He now has the following in his inventory:

Katana Sword
Gauss rifle w/ 50 rounds ammo
Bozar w/ 500 rounds ammo
Assault rifle w/ 150 rounds ammo
Shotgun w/ 50 rounds
Two 44. Magnums w/ 20 rounds each
3 sticks of dynamite
2 plastic explosives
Zippo Lighter
5 packets of cigarettes
15 stimpacks
food rations for 12 days

Kane looks back at his car. It won't go anywhere until he gets a new Fuel Cell Controller.

He lights a cigarette..

"I liked that car."

"Come on, Thor."

Kane whistles quietly as he and Thor walk off into the night.