First time out of the vault

Richard Walski's Story Chapter 1: Vault Opening
Vault 10. A capacity for 2000 people for 120 years. July 31st, 2227, Vault 10 holds 1738 people and it has been 147 years since the Vault door sealed. Overseer Edmund Fly has announced the Vault opening for July 31st at 13:00. Hallway time displays have been set for the countdown. Current display: 00:10:11.
Richard Walski had been a Vault dweller for 13 years as of last week and his job was in the process of being selected. That is, until Overseer Fly made the announcement, suddenly and without warning, last night.
Richard had been extremely excited all night and almost every citizen was in the library, dining halls and the meeting rooms sharing thoughts and concerns. A lot of people were worried about this, “But,” Richard though, “They’ve been Vault dwellers all their lives, so it’s natural for them to be wimps.”
Ever since Roland had learned to read, he would read the great western novels from the archives. All day and night, he dreamt of the gunslingers of the old west and how they stood in the gritty streets with their revolvers in hand. He dreamt of tackling bank robbers and having shoot outs with crooked ranchers. He had convinced his father to let him acquire clearance to the weapon training centre at age 10 and managed to hit the ring around the bull’s-eye at 20 yards once in the 3 years following that day.
When his job processing had started the day after his birthday, he first question the interviewer had asked was, “So Richard, what would you like to be?”. He said like as though he was sure the boy wouldn’t get the job he wanted and the question was only to lift the mood.
“A gunslinger!” Richard blurted out, without thinking. He knew that wasn’t a possibility and probably would’ve settled for security guard.
The man’s eyebrows had risen over his thickly rimmed black glasses at this. “Gunslinger? Hmmm, you ARE referring to those men in the western novels in the library archives, correct?”
Richard was staring at the desk between him and the man and shifted uncomfortably in the steel chair. “Yeah, sorry. I meant a guard or something…”
The interviewer pulled off his glasses and leaned back in his chair. He touched the arm of his glasses to his lips for a second, as if in deep thought over this. Then he smiled and lowered the glasses, “You know, we have positions in a certain…adventurous job.” Richard snapped to attention. The interviewer’s smile broadened, “It’s more of a volunteer position, you could still be a guard until you’re required for it.”
“What is it? What’s the job?!” Richard could barely take the anticipation welling up in his chest.
The interviewer leaned forward and put his elbow on the desk, pointing an arm of the glasses at Richard, “How would you like to volunteer to go out and scout outside of the Vault when it opens?”
“REALLY?!” Richard’s eyes were ready to pop out of their sockets!
The interviewer laughed and put his glasses back on as he pulled out a paper from a folder on his desk, “Keep in mind that you won’t be eligible for the position until you’re 18. But yes, I am serious. By the looks of things here,” He scanned the paper with his finger, “There are still 32 positions out of a suggested 50 still not filled. When the Vault opens, we will need more volunteers to make sure it is safe out there.”
“I’ll do it! I’ll scout! Sign me up now before it fills!” Richard had stood up, sending the chair sliding 5 feet away.
“Well, there’s no danger of it filling, not a lot of people are willing to leave home,” He gestured with his hands about the room, “So willingly as you. So you should definitely be signed up for a guard position. The skills learned in it will help for sure in that position. But, remember Richard, the processing still has to go through, so there’s no huge guarantee you’ll be a guard yet.”
“I’ll do better than anyone! I swear!”
The interviewer laughed, “Well, with spirit like that, you’ll probably make it! But,” He glanced at his Vault issued watch, “Our time is up. Go on, we’ll meet again in a couple weeks.”
Here it was, a couple weeks from that meeting and everything was on hold. Richard was in the Vault gardens with some of his friends. They had chosen the least crowded announcement monitor to stand around, so they could watch the Vault Opening.
“What do you think it’ll look like out there?” Asked a small boy with big round glasses.
“I hope it’s a desert, with cacti and sand dunes and everything!” exclaimed Richard. The other kids looked away from the screen, which was currently displaying a commercial ad for the GECK, and looked at Richard with confused and worried expressions.
“Why would you want that?”
“’Cause then it would be just like the Old West! With little towns in need of gunslingers to save them from crooked ranch owners!”
The small boy looked back up at the monitor, in time to catch a procedure movie showing the Vault famous Pip-Boy demonstrating how to set up a Vault Tent and said, “I hope it isn’t a desert…maybe all of the plants and animals came back…”
“2 minutes until Vault Opening!” A loud voice announced from the speakers throughout the garden, halting the simulated chirping birds, “2 minutes!”
“Maybe it never happened.” Said a taller boy with red hair, “Maybe the bombs didn’t fall and nature grew back where humans destroyed it.”
“No way!” Said Richard, “Those bombs fell, that’s why we’re in a fall-out shel-ter!” He enunciated the last words.
“But, it could’ve been a hoax…and…”
“Shut up, you’re being stupid!” Richard was becoming angry with these wimps! “You’re just a bunch of Vault wimps!”
“1 minute until Vault Opening! 1 minute!”
“Wimps?” A larger and far more ill tempered than Richard had been walking by on his way to another monitor. “We’re all Vault wimps, runt?”
Richard’s temper had gotten the best of him. “Yeah! All you guys are scared of the outside world and wanna stay in your precious Vault forever!”
“40 seconds to Vault Opening! 40 seconds!”
They monitor flickered from its commercials and changed to the fuzzy feed from the camera in the Vault airlock. The red lights were only a shade of grey on these monitors. The Vault caution alarm was sounding, a slow siren wail that brought back terrible memories for those who had watch the archive videos of the day of the bombs. All Richard heard was a ringing as the larger boy landed a fist to his ear.
“Stop it! The Vault Opening is gonna start!” The boy with the round glasses yelled as his other friends rushed to help Richard.
“20 seconds to Vault Opening! 20 seconds!” A full out struggle had ensued. The larger boy was clearly capable of taking all of them on. Richard was sure he was going to miss the Vault Opening, unless he did what the gun range and practically every person in the Vault forbid him to do. He went into his hip sack (a flat bag that attached to the belt on his Vault suit) and pulled out his Vault pistol. The larger boy immediately stopped fighting and ran. Richard’s friends stood staring wide eyed at Richard.
He glared back, “What? He’s gone, ain’t he?”
“Vault Opening commencing! Clear airlock doors!” A brief cartoon of the Pip-Boy stepping back from the airlock door interrupted the feed from the camera.
Everyone’s attention snapped from Richard to the monitor. The Vault door had already begun to roll aside. A crackling came over the speakers.
“This is James Henson, leader of the Vault Expidition Team. We’ve entered the airlock and are preparing to scout outsi… Oh my GOD!! Close the doors! Close them NOW!!!”
The boys watched in horror as a dark shape tore into the airlock and swatted the one they assumed to be James across the room.
The announcement voice started again, “On behalf of Vault-Tec, welcome to the New World!”
Vault 10. A capacity for 2000 people for 120 years. July 31st, 2227, Vault 10 holds 1738 people and it has been 147 years since the Vault door sealed. Overseer Edmund Fly has announced the Vault opening for July 31st at 13:00. Hallway time displays have been set for the countdown. Current display: 00:10:11.
Richard Walski had been a Vault dweller for 13 years as of last week and his job was in the process of being selected. That is, until Overseer Fly made the announcement, suddenly and without warning, last night.
Richard had been extremely excited all night and almost every citizen was in the library, dining halls and the meeting rooms sharing thoughts and concerns. A lot of people were worried about this, “But,” Richard though, “They’ve been Vault dwellers all their lives, so it’s natural for them to be wimps.”
Ever since Roland had learned to read, he would read the great western novels from the archives. All day and night, he dreamt of the gunslingers of the old west and how they stood in the gritty streets with their revolvers in hand. He dreamt of tackling bank robbers and having shoot outs with crooked ranchers. He had convinced his father to let him acquire clearance to the weapon training centre at age 10 and managed to hit the ring around the bull’s-eye at 20 yards once in the 3 years following that day.
When his job processing had started the day after his birthday, he first question the interviewer had asked was, “So Richard, what would you like to be?”. He said like as though he was sure the boy wouldn’t get the job he wanted and the question was only to lift the mood.
“A gunslinger!” Richard blurted out, without thinking. He knew that wasn’t a possibility and probably would’ve settled for security guard.
The man’s eyebrows had risen over his thickly rimmed black glasses at this. “Gunslinger? Hmmm, you ARE referring to those men in the western novels in the library archives, correct?”
Richard was staring at the desk between him and the man and shifted uncomfortably in the steel chair. “Yeah, sorry. I meant a guard or something…”
The interviewer pulled off his glasses and leaned back in his chair. He touched the arm of his glasses to his lips for a second, as if in deep thought over this. Then he smiled and lowered the glasses, “You know, we have positions in a certain…adventurous job.” Richard snapped to attention. The interviewer’s smile broadened, “It’s more of a volunteer position, you could still be a guard until you’re required for it.”
“What is it? What’s the job?!” Richard could barely take the anticipation welling up in his chest.
The interviewer leaned forward and put his elbow on the desk, pointing an arm of the glasses at Richard, “How would you like to volunteer to go out and scout outside of the Vault when it opens?”
“REALLY?!” Richard’s eyes were ready to pop out of their sockets!
The interviewer laughed and put his glasses back on as he pulled out a paper from a folder on his desk, “Keep in mind that you won’t be eligible for the position until you’re 18. But yes, I am serious. By the looks of things here,” He scanned the paper with his finger, “There are still 32 positions out of a suggested 50 still not filled. When the Vault opens, we will need more volunteers to make sure it is safe out there.”
“I’ll do it! I’ll scout! Sign me up now before it fills!” Richard had stood up, sending the chair sliding 5 feet away.
“Well, there’s no danger of it filling, not a lot of people are willing to leave home,” He gestured with his hands about the room, “So willingly as you. So you should definitely be signed up for a guard position. The skills learned in it will help for sure in that position. But, remember Richard, the processing still has to go through, so there’s no huge guarantee you’ll be a guard yet.”
“I’ll do better than anyone! I swear!”
The interviewer laughed, “Well, with spirit like that, you’ll probably make it! But,” He glanced at his Vault issued watch, “Our time is up. Go on, we’ll meet again in a couple weeks.”
Here it was, a couple weeks from that meeting and everything was on hold. Richard was in the Vault gardens with some of his friends. They had chosen the least crowded announcement monitor to stand around, so they could watch the Vault Opening.
“What do you think it’ll look like out there?” Asked a small boy with big round glasses.
“I hope it’s a desert, with cacti and sand dunes and everything!” exclaimed Richard. The other kids looked away from the screen, which was currently displaying a commercial ad for the GECK, and looked at Richard with confused and worried expressions.
“Why would you want that?”
“’Cause then it would be just like the Old West! With little towns in need of gunslingers to save them from crooked ranch owners!”
The small boy looked back up at the monitor, in time to catch a procedure movie showing the Vault famous Pip-Boy demonstrating how to set up a Vault Tent and said, “I hope it isn’t a desert…maybe all of the plants and animals came back…”
“2 minutes until Vault Opening!” A loud voice announced from the speakers throughout the garden, halting the simulated chirping birds, “2 minutes!”
“Maybe it never happened.” Said a taller boy with red hair, “Maybe the bombs didn’t fall and nature grew back where humans destroyed it.”
“No way!” Said Richard, “Those bombs fell, that’s why we’re in a fall-out shel-ter!” He enunciated the last words.
“But, it could’ve been a hoax…and…”
“Shut up, you’re being stupid!” Richard was becoming angry with these wimps! “You’re just a bunch of Vault wimps!”
“1 minute until Vault Opening! 1 minute!”
“Wimps?” A larger and far more ill tempered than Richard had been walking by on his way to another monitor. “We’re all Vault wimps, runt?”
Richard’s temper had gotten the best of him. “Yeah! All you guys are scared of the outside world and wanna stay in your precious Vault forever!”
“40 seconds to Vault Opening! 40 seconds!”
They monitor flickered from its commercials and changed to the fuzzy feed from the camera in the Vault airlock. The red lights were only a shade of grey on these monitors. The Vault caution alarm was sounding, a slow siren wail that brought back terrible memories for those who had watch the archive videos of the day of the bombs. All Richard heard was a ringing as the larger boy landed a fist to his ear.
“Stop it! The Vault Opening is gonna start!” The boy with the round glasses yelled as his other friends rushed to help Richard.
“20 seconds to Vault Opening! 20 seconds!” A full out struggle had ensued. The larger boy was clearly capable of taking all of them on. Richard was sure he was going to miss the Vault Opening, unless he did what the gun range and practically every person in the Vault forbid him to do. He went into his hip sack (a flat bag that attached to the belt on his Vault suit) and pulled out his Vault pistol. The larger boy immediately stopped fighting and ran. Richard’s friends stood staring wide eyed at Richard.
He glared back, “What? He’s gone, ain’t he?”
“Vault Opening commencing! Clear airlock doors!” A brief cartoon of the Pip-Boy stepping back from the airlock door interrupted the feed from the camera.
Everyone’s attention snapped from Richard to the monitor. The Vault door had already begun to roll aside. A crackling came over the speakers.
“This is James Henson, leader of the Vault Expidition Team. We’ve entered the airlock and are preparing to scout outsi… Oh my GOD!! Close the doors! Close them NOW!!!”
The boys watched in horror as a dark shape tore into the airlock and swatted the one they assumed to be James across the room.
The announcement voice started again, “On behalf of Vault-Tec, welcome to the New World!”