RIP Robert Jordan

SHIT! Damn he was one of the best Fantasy authors around. He did some darn good Conan books and his Wheel of Time series is one of the best series out there.
His wife is supposed to conclude the series for him, or so I've heard. I don't supposed there's anyone who would've had a better understanding of it, save for perhaps his editor.
Well, that saves me the trouble of having to finish reading his tired series. Honestly, that series started to suck so bad it wasn't even funny anymore.

Also, RIP and all that jazz.
The series went down hill around books 5-8 but picked up again from books 9-11, 11 was a very good read.
Yoshi525 said:
The series went down hill around books 5-8 but picked up again from books 9-11, 11 was a very good read.
I tend to disagree with that. They went downhill from the start. In the last books he would start describing clothing or some plotting that had nothing to do with the story in general, and I would just jump 1-2 pages forward so that I could get on with the story.

i once read a description of the series that went something like this on a diff msg board:

1) lots of stuff happens
2) lots of stuff happens
3) main char 1 has a dream
4) main char 2 wakes up
5) main char 4 gets out of bed
6) main char 3 kisses main char 1
7) main char 1 eats breakfast after his dream

ad naseum..

i thought that was hella funny :)
i didnt write it, i havent actually read any of the WoT series because i have heard so many bad things about them.

mainly i stick to certian authors/series and havent really read anything " new " in a long time.

i was considering reading the da vinci code for the hell of it but i know like 80% of it is based on wrong information and i have read some pretty serious critiqs of that guys writing style i just havent bothered.

but for the WoT series, well it just never interested me although i do have to admit i have never really gotten a clear idea of what exactly the series is about.

so what exactly is the series about?
I haven't touched the WoT series, but I did enjoy the Conan books he wrote... unfortunately I didn't bring my Conan's to DragonCon this year to get them autographed.. now it'll never happen.. bummer.
His wife is supposed to conclude the series for him, or so I've heard. I don't supposed there's anyone who would've had a better understanding of it, save for perhaps his editor.

His wife was his editor.

Rumour has it that he dictated alot of stuff on tape before dying, had alot written, and alot of notes. Theoretically the book could be finished, and just needs some minor assembly. Fingers crossed.