Rise of Nations - Thrones & Patriots


Mildly Dipped
So I was bored and looking for a game to play when I was looking through my old PC game collection. I've ethier played most of them to death or they are sucky. Anyway, I found Rise Of Nations - Thrones & Patriots in my collection and realised I never played it that much. It's alot of fun, suprisingly.

Who else has played this game?
I played it, a lot, the multiplayer is just great. defending your island against 5 insane cpus which just massswarm ships till the ocean is full of metal and rockets..had a nice TA feeling there. but the game is not so well balanced (some nations are utter crap while others (bantu, egyptians) just rule)
It's a great game. Due to its choppy animation, I considered it a real time version of Civilization 4...I liked it but the time limit where everyone nukes each other turned me away.

Have you guys tried Rise of Legends?
Great game, very detailed. First time I played against a friend, we pissed each other from the dawn of or civiloizations until the Info Age, when we nuked ourselves to Armageddon.

It was ultra cool to see the world end, we were like "WTF? Looooool! Tis' teh coolzor!"
SkynetV4 said:
I liked it but the time limit where everyone nukes each other turned me away.

I enjoyed that very much (but not that it ends the game). we once had a 2vs3vs3 match, all humans and it was nice, we had a lot of war but every faction managed to get nuclear weapons about the same time and than there was some nice cold war (till it turned hot). I think its great, because the aspect of cold war can only be simulated that way. having to negotiate for something is something new in a mp rts
Ohh I remember a few instances playing friends via LAN when there was only two or three nukes until the end left and somehow everyone managed to launch a nuke at the same time thinking everything would work out in the end.