Rivet City Bow Section Question

Whispering Death

First time out of the vault
Hey guys, I want to access the bow of Rivet City to find this Pinkerton guy, sounds fun, but I can't find anyone to give me a key or something!

It requires a lockpick skill of 100, surely there's another way to access the bow right?

I went to talk to the doctor as the (optional) part of the quest says to ask him what he knows about the missing android, however, no dialogue comes up on the tree.

I'm stuck and I've been at this for over an hour now. How do I access the bow of Rivet City?

Thanks guys.
Hit ~ then click on the door, type unlock, enter, then ~ again. I have had to this several times when errors in game would keep me from progressing any further in certain quests.
Thanks for the work-around.

However, is the doctor the guy that gives you the 'key' or whatever? And if so, is there a way to activate this dialogue tree or is it broken?
Well, I never resolved the optional part, cause like you, there was no option to ask him about it. Try breaking into his room, or pickpocketing him.
[spoiler:84931e1204]there is another door underwater in the cracked part[/spoiler:84931e1204]

you guys are resorting to cheating way too fast

There's a tunnel under the water. Swim into it an open the door to get into the bow. Once you are inside, swim left and open the only door you can see. After getting the door swim as fast as you can (straight) and you'll surface just in time before you drown.

also - eventually you'll come to the original door you can't open, but from the inside. There's a switch there that unlocks it.[/spoiler:e7850b90a0]

*Pope - Added spoiler tags.
Very cool, thanks guys, I really thought this quest was broken.

I love the community here, lots of good smart folks.

And don't say I gave up too easily, I spend about 45 minutes trying to jump from the flight deck to one of the beams of the bow or climb up the rubble at the bottom of the bow section! :lol:
Whispering Death said:
Very cool, thanks guys, I really thought this quest was broken.

I love the community here, lots of good smart folks.

And don't say I gave up too easily, I spend about 45 minutes trying to jump from the flight deck to one of the beams of the bow or climb up the rubble at the bottom of the bow section! :lol:
I tried that too, if you climb around the broken part of the aircraft carrier there are holes in the flooring and the walls, one time I fell through and got stuck inside of it :?
lol, same here, I thought you were supposed to jump over as well. I got bored and ended up trying to drown myself, that's when I noticed the underwater tunnel. :)
ShatteredJon said:
Hit ~ then click on the door, type unlock, enter, then ~ again. I have had to this several times when errors in game would keep me from progressing any further in certain quests.

You cheated. That door being locked is not an error. There is another entrance. I have never encountered a "game error" which prevents one from progressing in the game. I have read comments by people who cannot figure out what to do in the game and therefore choose to blame the game for their own incompetence. Just as you have done, they usually cheat to get around their lack of skill.
Pinkerton is invulnerable?

Hey ya'll. When I found pinkerton in the hull, I decided to page through his copy of Dean's Electronics. The guy, like all other characters in this game, is very possessive of his belongings, and decided that a magazine was worth killing me over.

So I duke it out with him, my combat shotgun vs his head; I won. However, when I tried to loot his would-be lifeless corpse, he was STILL ALIVE! He was rendered "unconscious," his health was refilled, and he got up and continued attacking me until I died. I must have knocked him out at least 7 times.

I even tried obliterating his poor body with a bottlecap mine. Didn't work.

Perhaps he's an android too?
Re: Pinkerton is invulnerable?

Ozymandias said:
Hey ya'll. When I found pinkerton in the hull, I decided to page through his copy of Dean's Electronics. The guy, like all other characters in this game, is very possessive of his belongings, and decided that a magazine was worth killing me over.

So I duke it out with him, my combat shotgun vs his head; I won. However, when I tried to loot his would-be lifeless corpse, he was STILL ALIVE! He was rendered "unconscious," his health was refilled, and he got up and continued attacking me until I died. I must have knocked him out at least 7 times.

I even tried obliterating his poor body with a bottlecap mine. Didn't work.

Perhaps he's an android too?

...You do know that certain characters are marked as important, and thus aren't allowed to be killed, right?

They'll be 'knocked unconscious', and then get back up eventually right as rain. That mechanic was introduced in Oblivion, because too many people lost their minds slaughtering folks in Morrowind and then complained that they couldn't do quests.
... I found that out later. That freaking blows.

On a somewhat similarly sucky note, practically nothing in FO3 is destructible. I would think for such a game, complete destructability of the environment would be a must.

Even in Goldeneye the chairs at least exploded when you shot them.