Rock Collecting..... The horrors stories of a fallout junkie

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Ive done almost every single damn thing in Fo2 that Ive decided to give up the gun and become the evilist of evils a rock collector..... Im up to 47 rocks!... woo hoo... lets see i got a grey one and a greyish black one... and my favorite one is the dark grey one... its so beautiful...

.... its my speculation that the animators put them in the game for this very reason... why else would they be there for they sure are a crappy weapon... hell collecting them seams like the only good thing to do with them.....

...If there are any other collectors out there willing to challenge my collecting prowess by trying to collect more than me I am more than up to the challege....;)
RE: Rock Collecting..... The horrors stories of a fallout ju

Heh, the animators put them in there? I think you mean the designers decided to put them in there, the programmers put them in there, and the animators made em look nifty 80) But, to tell you the truth, I highly doubt that they hold only purpose, except for children to throw at you, damned kids, one of these days I'm going to go on a rampage and kill everything in sight! muhahahha, oh wait, I'm already doing that, gotta love genocide games 80)

"I am the bringer of death, and the cry of sorrow, I am the one who... ah hell, I broke a nail."
RE: Rock Collecting..... The horrors stories of a fallout ju

speacking of rocks, i noticed all special encounters have a rock there..
im wondering if maybe u collect all them they'll like.. do something special.. so i was collecting them.. but i never get special encounters..
i hope they do do something..
but i dun c how they would
RE: Rock Collecting..... The horrors stories of a fallout ju

>i hope they do do something..
>but i dun c how they

Well, at least there's that one useful rock u get from the Talking Head encounter... =)
RE: Rock Collecting..... The horrors stories of a fallout ju

The only good thing about Rocks is...
Stoning people to death!
Takes 'em a while to die and aimed shots with them are awesome, not to mention if you have the slayer perk and a rock makes 'em fall down.
It amuses the hell out of me...Then again so does burning lego men.
Psý¢hø Ädd¡¢t

"I guess I just prefer to see the dark side of things..
The glass is always half empty....and cracked..
And I just cut my lip on it... and chipped a tooth.."
RE: Rock Collecting..... The horrors stories of a fallout ju

The rock from that monument encounter with the talking head gives you a temporary 50% damage resistance and like 3 agility and 2 strength or something when you use it, sort of like psycho i think...

Play my chocobo racing game or get my evil walkthrough or something:
RE: Rock Collecting..... The horrors stories of a fallout ju

cool i didnt know that.... and im up to 59 rocks now.... Its getting harder and harder to find them I wonder how many they put in the game....
RE: Rock Collecting..... The horrors stories of a fallout ju

Hey i've considered collecting rocks but has anyone considered collecting plant spikes that those plants (Dark souls) shoot?
RE: Rock Collecting..... The horrors stories of a fallout ju

Actually i did and in one encounter i collected 115 of those spike (i had an adv power armour and a lot of time to lose.
Thay are worth nothing and i always "sell" them to the short guy in NCR i dont remember exectly where i'm up to but it's fun
RE: Rock Collecting..... The horrors stories of a fallout ju

do you also collect the uranium ores?
i found five of those yet
do you know if there are any more?
RE: Rock Collecting..... The horrors stories of a fallout ju

Ive been collecting all things "rock like" and have 13 uranium ores now and 5 monument stones..... You can get the uranium ore sometimes in a random encounter between broken hills and ncr... A caravan usualy carries them you can probably find some around redding too... but im not sure.....
RE: Rock Collecting..... The horrors stories of a fallout ju

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Oct-21-00 AT 04:44AM (GMT)[p]srry acidently posted twice just ediditing the message out... since it wont let me remove the damn thing......
RE: Rock Collecting..... The horrors stories of a fallout ju

I also cllect things from other's inventories when there not looking. Stuff like talismans and stuff.
RE: Rock Collecting..... The horrors stories of a fallout ju

Monument stones?
RE: Rock Collecting..... The horrors stories of a fallout ju

you can get the monument stones from a random encounter with a big giant talking vault dweller stone head if you can prove you are truely the chosen one that is.........:-)
RE: Rock Collecting..... The horrors stories of a fallout ju

but how can you get more than one monument stone??
RE: Rock Collecting..... The horrors stories of a fallout ju

Theft and not getting caught, also, if it says something then right before you reach the exit grid you get hit for 1200 damage and die.

"Three guns are better than two."
RE: Rock Collecting..... The horrors stories of a fallout ju

You mean that you can steal from the big head?
RE: Rock Collecting..... The horrors stories of a fallout ju

ya but you have to have pretty high steal to pull it off with out the head noticing it .... or you can time it just right start combat and hop in your car for a perfect getaway......