Rocks in Random Encounters


First time out of the vault
Per Jorner wrote:
Often you'll see a single Rock lying on the ground of most of the special encounter maps (to my knowledge, all special encounters but the Cafe of Broken Dreams, plus the Bess encounter). I can't help feeling there is some significance to this. Since the Rocks are randomly placed they can end up on exit grids or behind opaque scenery where you can't get them.
I too can't help feeling that there is something more too it.
I've been wondering if anyone has a reliable information as to the mystery of rocks in special encounters.
Anyone ?
Their significance is probably just that - to cause observant players into having a nervous breakdown puzzling the answer to the question of their significance.
They kinda did the same in Jagged Alliance 2, though there you had atleast the use for it that you could throw it to distract enemies.
Wasn't there a modder who used the rocks to identify the patch number? Guess he could have used anything.