First time out of the vault
Per Jorner wrote:
Often you'll see a single Rock lying on the ground of most of the special encounter maps (to my knowledge, all special encounters but the Cafe of Broken Dreams, plus the Bess encounter). I can't help feeling there is some significance to this. Since the Rocks are randomly placed they can end up on exit grids or behind opaque scenery where you can't get them.
I too can't help feeling that there is something more too it.
I've been wondering if anyone has a reliable information as to the mystery of rocks in special encounters.
Anyone ?
Often you'll see a single Rock lying on the ground of most of the special encounter maps (to my knowledge, all special encounters but the Cafe of Broken Dreams, plus the Bess encounter). I can't help feeling there is some significance to this. Since the Rocks are randomly placed they can end up on exit grids or behind opaque scenery where you can't get them.
I too can't help feeling that there is something more too it.
I've been wondering if anyone has a reliable information as to the mystery of rocks in special encounters.
Anyone ?