

Mildly Dipped
I'm making a house mod (no don't say Morrowind...please, ah hell...I'll even name the damn map Balmora) near the coast. I already walled and tiled the house area. My question is...does any one know of a roofing tutorial for the Fallout 2 mapper? I tried roofing the house but the tiles show at floor level. I tried Coljack's excellent basics tutorial which started me on this. Do I have to tile an area and then designate it the roof and then build walls from that?

Any pointers on this topic would be appreciated. The mapper is way more friendly than I first assumed so if I can't find mods for what I want....I'll just add it.
Click on the Roof button to turn on roofs, then any tiles you lay are at roof elevation. Click the Roof button again and you're back to ground elevation. Turn on the Roofs before saving your map.

Thanks for your help dude_obj! I already have a little backstory for this house mod but that will have to wait until I finish the map and I learn scripting (I failed the Programming 2 module in Uni...whee). This quest would tie into the search for the G.E.C.K. so that you find it slightly before or after you have found the G.E.C.K. in Vault 13. A strait of drunkard clues and childish rumors would lead you to interrogate drunkards and old men until you reach Broken Hills where after asking an old, agonizing mutant he would point you to a special encounter (only findable after speaking with the mutie) where you would find a dead black man in a Vault 13 jumpsuit with a "G.E.C.K" on him. Your character can't resist the temptation of fiddling with the device (on the instructions it says that it has to be used near a coastline) which causs it to explode. When you wake up, you would wake up in Redding or Klamath with your party members unharmed, of course (they ran like shit runs from you after eating Mexican food, when you opened the case). Going back to the coast line you will see a new location labelled Eva's Grove. Upon entering, you would find a rather large map on the shore with a little house with a bed and the red haired woman model (Eva). When you start talking (after secks of course) you figure out that what you found is the pornographer's version of the Garden of Eden Creation Kit, rather the Grove of Eva's Copulation Kit. Then you would switch maps and after travelling to Vault City, the Sierra Army Depot, Modoc, NCR and Broken Hills, you would add a component to your new Estate (VC (you need to be Captain of the Guard and Myron in your party so he can help you bullshit Lynette into letting some of their gardening equipment go) adds greenery and trees, SAD adds turrets and a workshop, NCR (you need to complete a few caravan runs and after the last one, you rustle the brahmin) adds a brahmin farm, Modoc (Slag friendship required) adds a farm with some edibles farm and Broken Hills adds a mini uranium reactor (Marcus needs to be on your team so he can swing the refinery in your favor) so you can actually have a computer (I'll think something of use with this) at home and some technology (VDUs for example). Whew, looks like a lot of work and some of this mod is a big test....specially script-wise, I'll release the house if I find it good enough to be released.
Re: Excellent

SkynetV4 said:
dead black man in a Vault 13 jumpsuit

If you place the "Vault 13 Man" (critter 267) on the map and add the geck to his inventory, you can press "shift-k" and click the "crosshair" on him to make him dead on the map (a menu pops up allowing you to select death type).

SkynetV4 said:
"G.E.C.K" on him. Your character can't resist the temptation of fiddling with the device (on the instructions it says that it has to be used near a coastline) which causs it to explode.

I suggest that you make another geck, add a new item and use the geck image, then you can attach a script to it, and in the use_p_proc you can trigger the explosion. Check out this explosion extracted from FoT. It was resized to be smaller than the original because in game it looks bigger. It looks much better in the game than in a browser too.

SAD adds turrets

There are 4 new turrets in critter pack five. The pop-up turret is cool because it pops out of the ground.

you rustle the brahmin

Critter pack one has a really nice brahmin bull, and art pack one has a bramhin bull horn item.

Tonight I made the weapons racks, drying racks, and shrines from art pack 1 into working containers. Click on a drying rack and you'll probably find hides, click on a shrine and maybe you'll find some holy artifact. Also added 14 other containers from FoT.

farm with some edibles

I have a different fruit, 3 new meal plates, energy bar, and ground images for meat jerkey and iguana-on-a-stick, all from FoT.

uranium reactor <snip> you can actually have a computer

There is some nice animated equipment incuding power generators, reactors, and many computers in FoT. I have these all working in FO2 right now along with everything above. If you wait a bit I can send you all the files you need so these objects just show up in the mapper.

Sure, dude. I had just envisioned this to make a silly Morrowind-esque house mod but I'll try to complete the quests the map if I learn how to script but I'll do the mapping which is the most important task for now (and the easiest).
I have a problem now. I misplaced an invisible hex in front of a building where the door would go and now the building is not accesible. Its not a major building but its a crass map error that I can't bear with. I don't feel like remaking the map again which is what had to do in the past. Anybody know how to remove invisible blocking hexes?
Excellent, now I won't have to remake the farm. And by the way dude, nice avatar, for some reason it reminds me of a Malboro from Final Fantasy 7.
SkynetV4 said:
nice avatar, for some reason it reminds me of a Malboro from Final Fantasy 7.

It's the spore plant called shot pic.

And yet another question

Ok, this is going to sound dumb but it has to be asked. How do I define the....size of the map? I don't want to make a humongous map if its just a house but the problem is that the camera keeps scrolling and then I have to fill the black spaces with tiles which lets the player keep running and the camera keeps scrolling. Is there a way to define boundaries so that the camera doesn't scroll past a certain width or height? I'm almost done with the maps. The house and the basements are done as is the farm. I just have to finish the garage and the house will be ready.
Re: And yet another question

SkynetV4 said:
the problem is that the camera keeps scrolling

Scroll Blocker - White “S.” A special marker that restricts screen scrolling. When the center of the screen hits a row or column of these, the screen will no longer scroll any farther. Used to define the edge of a map. Please note the scroll blocking works both ways. If your character somehow gets outside the edge, you will not be able to scroll inside the map area. (Misc. category, tile#11)

Read the mapper docs .... over and over ....
Map is 90% ready

Ok, the maps are finished. Thanks to Obj Dude for his unbreakable patience and to Col Jack for the kickass tutorials. I'm missing two things basicly: quests will have been placed on the shelf indefinitely and the car script so that the car is worked properly.

The "mod" consists of 4 maps. The house itself which has a kitchen, lounge, office, patio dinner table, bedroom and defenses (some turrets). The basement (which I should have made in to the house map but I got lazy to redo again) has two sections: the arsenal, where you can stash your ammo and which features a special "weapon testing room" (hehehe) plus a lot of storage without looking too utilitarian; and the refuge, which is essentially a bunker with the following features: clinic, kitchen, boiler and power room, computer room, lounge, council office (complete with a war room table) and lodgings for 16. The farm has brahmin and mutant corn and cabbage farming. The garage has the garage itself and a trading office so traders can negotiate with the player's delegates.