Re: Excellent
SkynetV4 said:
dead black man in a Vault 13 jumpsuit
If you place the "Vault 13 Man" (critter 267) on the map and add the geck to his inventory, you can press "shift-k" and click the "crosshair" on him to make him dead on the map (a menu pops up allowing you to select death type).
SkynetV4 said:
"G.E.C.K" on him. Your character can't resist the temptation of fiddling with the device (on the instructions it says that it has to be used near a coastline) which causs it to explode.
I suggest that you make another geck, add a new item and use the geck image, then you can attach a script to it, and in the use_p_proc you can trigger the explosion. Check out this
explosion extracted from FoT. It was resized to be smaller than the original because in game it looks bigger. It looks much better in the game than in a browser too.
There are 4 new turrets in critter pack five. The pop-up turret is cool because it pops out of the ground.
Critter pack one has a really nice brahmin bull, and art pack one has a bramhin bull horn item.
Tonight I made the weapons racks, drying racks, and shrines from art pack 1 into working containers. Click on a drying rack and you'll probably find hides, click on a shrine and maybe you'll find some holy artifact. Also added 14 other containers from FoT.
I have a different fruit, 3 new meal plates, energy bar, and ground images for meat jerkey and iguana-on-a-stick, all from FoT.
uranium reactor <snip> you can actually have a computer
There is some nice animated equipment incuding power generators, reactors, and many computers in FoT. I have these all working in FO2 right now along with everything above. If you wait a bit I can send you all the files you need so these objects just show up in the mapper.