RP:NCR-Legion Arizona border


First time out of the vault
In a town called KingStone, There are a few inhabitents Garry the town docter,Jon the town merchant the town sheriff is Xander .Grey.The civilians are Sarah grey, Bobby jones and Terra Falkner
they town supports the NCR

My chacter Aria Jessica (see chacter form for details) walks in to town
looking for my parents this takes place in the year 2299

anyone can join this thread so just post
Well you jumped right in to this one didn't you?

If you're gonna start an RP you should make an OOC thread as well for off topic replies. That way the main story thread won't get ruined or interrupted to much.

Also, a little more info on the setting wouldn't hurt, like maybe giving us sort of a basic storyline to follow.
Ambiant music to read too

On the outskirts of Kingstone's remaing modern architecture, Syphon's dilapidated church stood. The hole-punched roof greeted the acid rain as it poured down on the religous clergy, who paid no mind as he spoke before his handful of followers.

"This hell we endour is of our own actions!", he yelled from behind his dark cloak, "We receive what we have harvested for the world!". He clinched the rose mary, and in the other, the good book. He swung his limbs in dramatic fashion, trying his utmost to inspire repentance from the survivors of hell's shroud. They remained head bowed and in silence. The rain did not result in one persons absence from their knees.

"The lord has not forsaken you! He is merely waiting for you to come to him, not the other way around!".

"Remember, when you are tested, it is merely another opportunity to find paradise.. To find Heaven", Syphon ended on a more loving tone, as he removed his cloak and greeted his followers way out into the wasteland.

As he watched his six followers split up and take different directions, he notices a new comer to Kingstone.