RP site help needed.


First time out of the vault
Mods if this is not the right board please proceed to move it, as I did not want to muddy up the rp board with this completely OOC topic.

A month or two ago I began, with a fellow rper, a fallout based RP board, thanks to the apparent lack of them on the net. He took care of the graphic type dealings, and even they were beginner level, while I took care of the story and such.

Well a few weeks afterword his PC crashed and even after buying a new computer he has been very busy, thus leading to me working on the site alone, and at a snails pace with small bursts of speed every few weeks or so.

While he was active in creating it I ran my ideas by him, and we conversed, now though with him missing I am letting errant ideas go, my own low self esteem when it comes to things like this, causing me to drop these concept ideas, having no one to talk to about them, finding my errors and such.

Therefore leading me to this, I need help, and I am hoping I can find it here.

The "job" would entitle forum graphics if needed, low chance at this point as the board is little more than a place holder and as such not a critical skill needed, creating concept ideas and such, and access to Windows Live Messenger.

I would prefer to have someone who does not have a righteous zealotist hate against Fallout 3, as I don't have many out standing problems with it and do not wish to get into a shouting match with them. As well as the above I am hoping for someone with a good imagination when it comes to locations, quests and so on and so on.

I will not be posting the link to the board here however, as I do not want it's unfinished state to put any potential players off.

Ah yes, the one, or ones depending on the situation, will be given full admin abilities, and all relevant notes and info, so please be serious about this.

Either post here or pm me your info and why you think you are right for the "job".
That's actually kind of funny. Me and a friend also started a Fallout-themed RPG awhile ago... centered in Maryland about ten years before Fallout 3.
If you would like to help out or work together, it would be greatly appreciated.

My RP is based in the South East, 30 years before the Lone Wanderer leaves 101.
I'll ask my friend about it, we might be able to consolidate our respective universes.
We've only just started really working on it, but I'll PM you what we have so far.