RPG Recomendations


Vault Senior Citizen
Im currently looking for some RPGs to buy, and hoped you guys could poin me in the right direction. I have all the fallout games (of course!) and arcanum. I also have morrowind (good but booooooooooooooring) and have my eyes set on planescape. Anything i dont know about?

BTW I hate hack and slash!!!!!!!!
I've always like the Baldur's Gate series of games. This includes, Icewind Dale, Icewind Dale: Heart of Winter, Baldur's Gate(Tales of the Sword Coast), Baldur's Gate 2(Throne of Bhall), Icewind Dale 2..blah blah blah....and so on.....

Divine Divinity is a great game! But it is a mixture of Hack and Slash and a good RPG.

Mohrg :twisted:
The Troika's upcoming Temple of Elemental Evil is starting to look mighty snazzy. About time they made a true turn-based CRPG using the 3rd Edition rools (something Pools of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor couldn't do).

I've become endeared to a small, sometimes overlooked, quasi-respected, 3-manned company called Spiderweb Software. They are the ones who made the Exile and Avernum series. If you have ever picked up a shareware disk, chances are you'll find one of their games in it.

Demos are available at www.spidweb.com. It may seem exorbitant to pay 30-some dollars for such a plain looking game but it makes up for its storyline, dynamics, balancing, and levels. The Gunslinger gives it two smoking revolvers up.
The main objectives of the Uruguay Round were:
to reduce agricultural subsidies
to lift restrictions on foreign investment, and
to begin the process of opening trade in services like banking and insurance.
They also wanted to draft a code to deal with copyright violation and other forms of intellectual property rights.
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I have never heard of this "DosBox" before!!!! Now I can play some great games! with sound!! :D

Thanks, Gwy!

Mohrg :twisted:
Currently there aren't any good new RPG's, but wait a month or so and get Deus Ex 2 (I know I will!) and Star Wars: KOTOR. Duh, most RPGs today are total hack 'n slash. You could try some older games, like Deus Ex (original), Septerra Core or Final Fantasy series (if you don't hate Japanese manga as well). Or go even further back in time and get Albion or Daggerfall (mind you, Daggerfall is just as boring as Morrowind). Stay away from Icewind Dale, Dungeon Siege and Neverwinter Nights and give some consideration to Baldur's Gate series.
I looked on the fourms and what not and I still can't figure out how to get this thing to work....*sniff*

Mohrg :twisted:
There should be a link to a DOSBox front end somewhere on the website, this simplifies things a great deal.

Try Deus Ex dude, u're going to LOVE it.

well I think some of the older style RPGs are getting a little repeptitive, and unrevolutionary. What can i say, Fable looks like a breath of fresh air, that game should be cool. but xbox only.

NWN was fun for a little bit. I must admit i've never actually finished any of the RPGs I've played except for fallout and fallout 2... none of the others really gripped me hard enough, or had some sort of flaws ... like too long, turned increadibly difficult all of a sudden, or just plain boring. lots of examples. Kind of a reason why I went out to play FPS and RTS games for awhile.
I have deus ex. Its more of an intelligent shooter.

BTW: I thought the BG series was hack and slash?
Hell no, BG is built on an AD&D engine. However it does have real-time combat with a pause option. Diablo perspective, but much deeper gameplay.
Hmm, BG is kind of a hack and slash game, way not as deep as Fallout and Planescape, but it isn't as bas Dungeon Siege or Diablo, it's actually kind of a classic, an it's pretty nice, I suggest you play it and see for yourself.

As for must haves, there are only two games someone must play, IMHO: Fallout, and Planescape: Torment.....:)
Anachronox is a pretty good game, but it's more a console style Rpg like the FF series. The ending was a little disapointing though. Thief 1 and 2 might interest you as well - not really RPG's, but they aren't hack-n-slash either.
The GATT still exists as the WTO's umbrella treaty for trade in goods, updated as a result of the Uruguay Round negotiations (a distinction is made between GATT 1994, the updated parts of GATT, and GATT 1947, the original agreement which is still the heart of GATT 1994).[8] The GATT 1994 is not, however, the only legally binding agreement included in the Final Act; a long list of about 60 agreements, annexes, decisions and understandings was adopted. In fact, the agreements fall into a simple structure with six main parts:
an umbrella agreement (the Agreement Establishing the WTO);
goods and investment (the Multilateral Agreements on Trade in Goods including the GATT 1994 and the Trade Related Investment Measures (TRIMS));
services (General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS));
intellectual property (Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS));
dispute settlement (DSU);
reviews of governments' trade policies (TPRM).[9]
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Where can I buy Planescape off the internet? I cant find it in any stores. I also dont feel like getting ripped off on ebay.