Run fallout 1 & 2 in window mode


Professional Lurker
Done a quick search and can't find a direct answer. Forgive me if I missed something.

I want to play fallout 1 and 2 but don't have the time to dedicate time to it. What I'd like to be able to do is have fallout in a window which I can flip to and from so I can multitask with the rest of my work.

I know about IanOut (or what ever they have decided to call it now) but I understand it's currently a work in progress so not sure how easy that'd be to use.

So, quick question: Anyone know of a simple pain free way to do this?

Thanks for any help you can provide.
Tried that, problem is, I end up using my computer at an annoying low res. Also, doesn't let me use my dual monitor setup correctly.
It's in the bloody troubleshooting FAQ, and threads are linked from there as well.

Next time, try to search properly.

You replied as if I'd waisted you time. Problem being, you still took the time to reply.... So, you obviosuly had the time on your hands to think up such a cutting reply. I did take time to search and obviosuly I missed something that you'd search for. Anyway, don't want to turn into a flame war so let's not discuss this further.

Thanks for telling me where to look. Often an FAQ is too obvious to look at as you don't think it's gonna turn up in there. I'll have a look there and hopefully my solution will be there.

Adz said:

You replied as if I've waisted you time. Problem being, you still took the time to reply.... So, you obviosuly had the time on your hands to think up such a cutting reply. I did take time to search and obviosuly I missed something that you'd search for. Anyway, don't want to turn into a flame war so let's not discuss this further.
You're not a newbie to this site, so you should know how it works.
And yes, you did waste my time, because I'm a moderator here, so I pretty much have to read this topic. In doing so, you've wasted my time, and yours (since looking at the FAQ at the top of the forum, or searching for *gasp* 'windowed' would've given you a lot quicker). I reply because we want people to learn and not do this again, even though it seems to be futile since every week several people come in here without searching or reading the FAQ. As you just did.

Adz said:
Thanks for telling me where to look. Often an FAQ is too obvious to look at as you don't think it's gonna turn up in there. I'll have a look there and hopefully my solution will be there.

What? A FAQ is supposed to answer Frequently Asked Questions. The very *least* you could've done is check the FAQ if your problem is mentioned there.