Oblivion-Lost.com has translated a developer diary from the Russian magazine PC Games. It is focused on the artificial intelligence of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. the "Life Simulation System." In addition to the informative sections to the article, there are some entertaining stories.<blockquote>The artificial intelligence in STALKER allows both people and animals to weight up their chances for survival and act accordingly. You won't often see a stalker with a pistol try to take on a soldier armed with an assault rifle. Of course, rare exceptions are possible, but these will come about because of the unhealthy psycological state of the stalker. We introduced the concept of a "fair intelligence". In general, the NPCs in FPS games know exactly where the player is, because this is known to the God-like all-knowing AI controlling them. In STALKER the enemy AI can only "assume" where the player is. The AI remembers the last spot where it saw the player, and tries to find him using the "what would I do in his place?" method, i.e. the AI searches for the player by assuming what his next possible position could be. It is often fascinating to observe, after secretly climbing up to the loft of a rural farmhouse, how the enemy stalker carefully circles the building with his AK47 at the ready, trying to figure out where the hell you could've gone. </blockquote>Sounds good, though it's nothing they haven't said before. Now all that's left is to see it in action.
I am left wonder, who wrote the article? They didn't mention that in the translation.
The translated article.
The original, Russian, article.
Found at Duck and Cover.
I am left wonder, who wrote the article? They didn't mention that in the translation.
The translated article.
The original, Russian, article.
Found at Duck and Cover.