Oblivion-lost.com has translated a Russian PC Games article on S.T.A.L.K.E.R. It was written by one of the GSC development team, and runs over the history of the development of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. It is a rather entertaining read.
<blockquote>On our first visit, the guides to the Exclusion Zone told us that the Zone "pulls you in", that after visiting you are never quite the same again. We proved them right when we returned, this time to take the Zone back with us to Kiev. Thousands of hi-res photos which later turned into textures, and kilograms of shot film were reviewed hundreds of times again and again, and gradually what they depicted appeared on the screens of our computers as game art. We grew sick and tired of the Western view at things, at everything that happened here, and so we decided to transcribe the events our way. I wish you all could've been here and seen the amount of love and dedication that went into modelling every detail of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. World, from the bolts that stalkers use as a primitive anomaly detector, to the derelict furniture, to the BTRs and military hardware. We all (Ex-USSR) used almost exactly the same furniture in our homes in 1986, and most of us drove or rode in a BTR during our time in the Army. Once during a press conference we asked foreign journalists how they reacted to the cars, furniture, buildings and all other contents of the Zone. For "us" (Ex-USSR), all of this is familiar, it's what we see everyday, but for example in Italy the typical interior will obviously be drastically different. "Yes", answered the journalists, "everything is of course different, but we can still somehow tell it's all real..."</blockquote>A good job by the original writer and the translator.
Link: Translated article on the Oblivion-Lost forums
Found at Blue's news
<blockquote>On our first visit, the guides to the Exclusion Zone told us that the Zone "pulls you in", that after visiting you are never quite the same again. We proved them right when we returned, this time to take the Zone back with us to Kiev. Thousands of hi-res photos which later turned into textures, and kilograms of shot film were reviewed hundreds of times again and again, and gradually what they depicted appeared on the screens of our computers as game art. We grew sick and tired of the Western view at things, at everything that happened here, and so we decided to transcribe the events our way. I wish you all could've been here and seen the amount of love and dedication that went into modelling every detail of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. World, from the bolts that stalkers use as a primitive anomaly detector, to the derelict furniture, to the BTRs and military hardware. We all (Ex-USSR) used almost exactly the same furniture in our homes in 1986, and most of us drove or rode in a BTR during our time in the Army. Once during a press conference we asked foreign journalists how they reacted to the cars, furniture, buildings and all other contents of the Zone. For "us" (Ex-USSR), all of this is familiar, it's what we see everyday, but for example in Italy the typical interior will obviously be drastically different. "Yes", answered the journalists, "everything is of course different, but we can still somehow tell it's all real..."</blockquote>A good job by the original writer and the translator.
Link: Translated article on the Oblivion-Lost forums
Found at Blue's news