It Wandered In From the Wastes

It's like the Fallout: POS uproar, times 100. SNK Playmore promised a great send off for the Neo Geo AES homecart system with their release of Samurai Showdown V Special. They promised a lot of bloodletting, and Kill Bill-style dismemberments and decapatations. Well, guess what?
They lied.
They cut the blood and fatalities from the homecart release... in both the US and Japanese releases. (first time ever, according to sources) And to rub some salt into the gaping flesh wound, the MVS arcade cartridge version has the promised blood and body parts flying, there appears to be no way to unlock the crimson goodness (the only time that the debug BIOS is fooled)... oh, and the home cart cost $359, before shipping, from the Neo Store . Ouch.
Here's a thread on the brouhaha.
And another.
And one more.
Read my thoughts on this whole brouhaha in the second page on this thread: and yeah, it's a dumb decision, especially since they PROMISED the red rivers...
They lied.
They cut the blood and fatalities from the homecart release... in both the US and Japanese releases. (first time ever, according to sources) And to rub some salt into the gaping flesh wound, the MVS arcade cartridge version has the promised blood and body parts flying, there appears to be no way to unlock the crimson goodness (the only time that the debug BIOS is fooled)... oh, and the home cart cost $359, before shipping, from the Neo Store . Ouch.

Here's a thread on the brouhaha.
And another.
And one more.
Read my thoughts on this whole brouhaha in the second page on this thread: and yeah, it's a dumb decision, especially since they PROMISED the red rivers...